Friday, June 27, 2014

Even At My Worst, I'm Best With You

I recently began re-watching "Friends" from the beginning. That's show is without question one of the best of all-time an I choose not to associate with people who think otherwise (seriously, I fought with a girlfriend once because she claimed she didn't "get" it). The Ross/Rachel tug of war that takes place throughout all ten seasons is masterfully written. We see them go from getting reacquainted to a one-sided crush, to another sided crush, to actually dating and then to the infamous (and hilarious) break. Eventually, a one night stand leads to a baby and, in the finale, they get it together for good. Regardless of whether they were dating each other or dating (or in Ross' case, marrying) others, the one thing that remained throughout all ten seasons was their friendship. And as Phoebe so eloquently put it early on in the show, "she's his lobster," the "She" being Rachel. Lobsters mate for life and, according to Phoebe, even decades free they first begin to mate you can see little lobster couples walking along the beach holding claws. It's an odd image, yes. But the whole lobster thing has always stuck with me. Maybe because it's a nice concept, isn't it? Being with that one person for the rest of your life.