Friday, June 13, 2014

We All Live In A Green Coffeehouse

I was running errands with the fam today (and btw, it is a BILLION degrees here. I don't remember the last time I needed IV fluids after a simple day of shopping) and we stopped by Starbucks after breakfast for our coffee fix (this after having coffee with breakfast and before we left to go breakfast...don't judge us!). The young lad behind the counter saw my Beatles t-shirt and started talking about how he bought the complete remastered box set when it came out. That convo is right up my Beatles superfan mom's alley and the following is what...uh...followed.

Mom: I own all of their albums except, I think, Magical Mystery Tour.
Barista: From which re-issue?
Sister: From B.C. times when they were originally released.
Mom: *shoots sister a look* Yes, I was around when Jesus walked the earth.
Barista: Wow! You have them all on vinyl?
Mom: Yep. And I have the picture discs.
Barista: I am soooo jealous right now! That's awesome.

*Barista leaves to go help another customer*

Me: Now, when you take an accidental fall, I inherit that collection, right? I mean, as your oldest son and all.
Mom: *laughs* He thinks he inherits them all when I "take an accidental fall".
Barista: I was gonna ask if I could inherit them.
Mom: You seem much nicer than my own kids so sure, why not.