Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tall, Dark, Short And Lean

Let's face it, life was a whole lot less entertaining before auto-correct.

Me: I'm in Starbucks and someone's phone just went off and you hear "SHE KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THAT BIG FAT BUTT!"
Friend: LOL Well good morning to them too
Me: lol It was this tiny little chick too. She was all kindsa embarrassed and just walked out.
Me: I should totally change Y's ringtone to that and watch the magic happen.
Friend: lol So long as you change it to "It's Training Men"
Me: LOL Training men
Me: Womensz all be like "Hallelujah! We're training men. AMENNNNNNN."
Friend: LOL DAMMIT (and yet it works)
Me: "I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna let myself get training aids that are made for pettttttts. Ooooooh, I'm training mennn."
Friend: LMAO And I bow down