Friday, June 20, 2014

But When The Morning Comes, Don't Say You Love Me, Don't Say You Need Me, I Really Don't Think That's Fair

I remember having this song on repeat when I was involved with one particular ex. We'd worked together way back when and lost touch for a few years. I don't recall how we got back into each other's lives but I know we ended up at dinner and by the end of that, it was obvious we were going to spend the night together. And we did. And then it became a regular kinda thing. I'd been under the impression when we first caught up that she was engaged to someone she'd been with for like eight years, but when I brought it up at dinner she quickly dismissed it as a rumor, saying the engagement was "oh hold". I didn't ask what that meant, and honestly I didn't really care. Our time together was all over the place; sometimes the textbook definition of a casual fling in that the only time we spent together was when we were hooking up, sometimes hanging out all day before the inevitable conclusion to the evening. It was a great arrangement for me at the time, but I started to get bored with it and began asking what exactly all of this was leading to. I'd known all along that she was also seeing other people and it didn't really bother me, but I started to get to that place of wanting a relationship (although not necessarily with her). She didn't wanna hear anything about us becoming more than what we were but pacified me about it as best she could. Seeing the writing on the wall, I attempted to extricate myself from the situation but it was difficult since along so well. Eventually, it did end and she went back to her fiance. I've heard about her occasionally over the years. Apparently that engagement didn't take and she ended up wandering for awhile before getting engaged to someone else. That also didn't work and she turned around and got hitched to another dude on a whim after only a few months of dating. As far as I know, they're still married. I feel like just about everyone I know who has been engaged has done it at least twice. Starter engagements are the starter marriages of this millennium.