Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Yin And The Yang

A few days ago, one of the besties sent me this and said it reminded her of me:

Not 24 hours later, another bestie sent me this and said it reminded him of me:

The next day, my favorite client texted me saying this:

Her: You know I'm into the astrology, right?
Me: lol "The astrology". Yes, Ma Kettle, I am aware.
Her: lol ANYWAY, one of my astrology books said, "The Taurus male is equal parts rugged bad boy and old-fashioned gentleman". And I was like, yeah that sounds like him.
Me: Is that good or bad?
Her: Good. Very, very good.

An hour later, this came on down the line from the best friend:

Y: Remind you of anyone?
Me: Yes. And I for one think it is shameful that you don't take advice from others.
Y: lol Uh huh

The moral of the story? You are not living life to the fullest unless you have folks in it who will compliment you one minute and then bring your ass right back down to earth the next.