Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lobstah & Fish

Agent W and I had a convo yesterday about how she feels like something is missing from her life. A few months ago, she visited a psychic who told her that the relationship she's currently in is not the last one she will ever be in. And so, I chimed in with my wisdom and such...

W: I'd think it was the psychic chick, except I have had this feeling for years, it comes and goes regardless of who or what's going on in my life.
Me: Maybe it's just cuz you're still waiting on your lobster
W: lol My lobster?
Me: lol Yes. It's from "Friends". Rachel won't date Ross bc she thinks it's too difficult and Phoebe says that they'll end up together eventually bc Rachel is his lobster. Lobsters mate for life yo.
W: Killer whales mate for life too, you couldn't go with that one? lol
Me: Lobster is a "Friends" reference dude, I wasn't just naming off mammals that mate for life lol
W: I know, but killer whales are bad asses...lobsters don't even make bubbles
Me: Whales aren't bad asses, they're too fat to have any reasonable kind of fun
Me: I don't wanna swim with some chick for life until I have to beach her and she explodes. I want the option of going via land or sea to get away from her when need be.

Then, we expanded on the whole lobster/whale debate...

W: How many times have you found your lobster, Giuseppe?
Me: Just the one time
Me: And that may be all I get and, if so, that's fine
W: I could've sworn I've found my lobster four times.
W: I'm a lobster hussy
Me: Well then maybe you should start looking for a whale lol
W: lol Oh I dated a whale once...definitely not my lobster
Me: No wonder women say there are no good men. You're hoarding the lobsters and throwing the whales back
Me: lol Our conversations take us on fantastic voyages, don't they?
W: Oh Fonze, yes they do lol

And finally, because our convos are not complete until insults are hurled both ways...

Me: Well now I don't know if I wanna be a lobster. I don't know what mammal I am. I need a Cosmo quiz to figure it out. "What Mate For Life Mammal Are You?"
W: lol I think you're a fruit fly, so your "mate for life" span would be an hour
Me: lol about right, yeah