Thursday, June 19, 2014

Club Wed

Well, there has just been way more marriage talk than I am comfortable with on the blog lately, hasn't there? I blame my cousins. Our token gay couple are pondering a fall wedding, much to Crazy Aunt's delight, and DMC is getting hitched at the end of the month and has suddenly become a groomzilla. Ever since they got engaged (for the second time), all either of them has been saying is that they want to be able to just show up the week of the wedding and get hitched and move on with their life together. They lied. As the date draws near, they're both driving everyone crazy by checking and double checking schedules and making sure we all have our suits or dresses ready to go for a wedding that's still two weeks away. Methinks the nerves have set in. I never got this far into planning my own wedding but I woulda put myself outta my misery if I were this annoying about it. It's one day, people. When the day ends, you're gonna be committed to each other until one of you dies (or offs the other one), and the day of the wedding will just be a beautiful memory. I get wanting things to be perfect but I feel like peeps lose perspective when it comes to weddings in that they become overly obsessed with the details of the day and forget about the lifetime that comes after it. I'm a bit surprised that the bride is so nervous though since this is her second wedding. She's always been far more laid back about everything from the engagement to the planning because she's done it all before, but it's like his neuroses are rubbing off on her all of a sudden. And it's annoying the rest of us. Let's get this show on the road and move on to the circus that will surely be Crazy Aunt's gay wedding extravaganza.