Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Time Makes You Bolder, Children Get Older

I have just recently begun to realize why people want to have a kid that is the same gender as them. Because once that kid hits a certain age, they go through a phase where the identify more with the parent they share a gender with. And that age is 6. And Miss N's gender is...well, not the same as mine. Thus, she and her mom are thick as thieves at the moment and I'm the odd man (literally) out. And it kinda sucks. Okay, it really sucks. Up until now, Miss N and I have been buddies, to the point where it used to make MC a bit jealous. Did I flaunt this closeness in a childish, 'ha ha, she likes me better' sort of way? Yes. Yes I did. And now she is doing the same (damn karma). It's like a flip switched over the last few months and Miss N thinks her mom is super cool and her dad is 'meh'. MC tried to give me some comfort in the fact that we're about six more years away from both being exiled to the uncool kids table when Miss N become a tween (*shudder*). But I have hope that the teen years will be...well, let's face it, Miss N is gorgeous and the teen years and beyond are gonna be filled with boys who piss me off when they look at her (nevermind the poor soul who's gonna want to marry her someday). However, my niece turned 15 this year and she seems to think I'm cool again. We've gotten to hang out a lot the last few weeks with all the family stuff going on and it's been awesome. She's like a surrogate kid at this point since mine isn't interested in me anymore. But let us not forget, I am her favorite uncle. I'm Miss N's dad, by definition not someone she should think is cool after a certain age. I just always assumed that age would be like...21 or something. *sigh* I don't like this whole "growing up" thing that the kids do nowadays. Miss N's future siblings shall be Cabbage Patch Kids that I adopt from Toys 'R Us (because THAT is what ladies flock to, right? A 33-year-old fella with dolls). At least they won't grow up and ditch me.