Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I have been in fine form the last 12 hours. Agent W is coming round for a visit next year and we discussed that in our typical serious adult manner...

W: When is a better time to descend upon your neck of the woods? February or summer?
Me: Like weather-wise or increase in murder rate-wise or what?
W: Weather, and when would be more convenient for you
Me: Summalummadingdong
Me: Or summer
W: LOL. Oh man, that amused me more than it should have
W: Summalummadingdong it is then
Me: lol the Summalummadingdong of BJ
Me: Mmmm give me Summalummadingdong of that BJ
W: LOL Oh good grief
Me: LOL. Oooooh eeeeee oooooh ah ah ting tang Summalummadingdong
W: I told the manwhore J "I want to visit you", and then the manwhore J he told me what to do
Me: LOL. He say he say oooh ee ooooh ah ah ting tang Summalummadingdong


I've been fighting with the printer in this joint for a week now. I bought more ink, I bought a new print head and nothing worked so now I have a bunch of stuff I'm never gonna be able to use. Once again, Agent W was there to lend support.

W: And how art thou my liege lord?
Me: I'm ok. Have yet to have my coffee
Me: I'm is trying to see if I can get my money back for this printer stuff I bought
W: I hope you can
Me: It's only like $20 but I also don't want to be stuck with things I can't use. May as well let someone else use them.
Me: lol Which is also how I describes my womensz #Bazinga
W: LOL. Ouchie
Me: lol Sometimes the magic happens even before I have coffee, apparently
W: Ah yes, morning wood wisdom
W: Got anything interesting going on today?
Me: Funny you should ask...
Me: No, I don't
W: I thinks to myself I thinks "huh, this is probably going to be fascinating"
Me: LOL Fooled your ass on that one
Me: You leaned in to listen intently and I said one word and continued sipping my juice box
W: lol that's pretty much what happened