Thursday, July 10, 2014

You're A Fine Piece Of Real Estate And I'm Gonna Conquer Some Land

A: How did, "You're a fine piece of real estate and I'm gonna get me some land" not become a pick up line?
E: Because only men use pick up lines and we'd get arrested if we said something like that.
Y: You would not, it'd be just like any other line where we roll our eyes and walk away.
G: Would not! "I'm gonna get me some land" means you're gonna take the 'land' by force like Hitler. #SexualAssault
Y: Not necessarily. You could put in an offer and be rejected, and get no land.
R: Or you could just become a squatter and refuse to leave the land, in which case E is correct.
A: OR you could just buy her a ton of drinks and let the magic happen.
G: ...
A: Sorry, buy the "land" drinks.
Y: LOL. Yeah...cuz that's better.
Me: lol Back to the point, if a man walks up to a chick and says, "You're a fine piece of real estate and I'm gonna get me some land", he's probably getting a drink thrown in his face.
A: I think if you walked up to a chick and used that line the chick would say, "Oh, la conquistadore!". And her panties would fall off.
Y: OMG, yes!! You could so get away with that line! lol
G: LMAO. It's funny cuz all your conquerin' is like a real life version of "Risk".
E: LOL. Ouuuuuuuuuuch.
Me: LMAO. Y'all can bite me.
A: Not until you throw me that pick up line, baby.

So, to recap, we crammed Shania Twain, Hitler, conquistadores, sex and assault all into one convo. Oh, and I need new friends.