Saturday, July 12, 2014

"The Best Way To Find Yourself Is To Lose Yourself In The Service Of Others" - Gandhi

I don't want to brag but my kid is awesome. She was out and about with MC and and saw an elderly woman struggling to carry some bags up the stairs. So what did she do? She told MC to wait a second, walked over and carried the woman's stuff up the stairs. And she's 6. Six. I'm is so proud of her. It is wild to watch your kid grow up, yo. I remember when she was this little tiny thing who sat next to me while I meditated and tried to get me to stop and play with her (which is usually what ended up happening). Now she meditates on her own. The older she gets, the more I notice things in her that remind me of her mom or me or another of our relatives. That girl was all me when she was younger but all that remains of that phase is her stubbornness (you're welcome, Miss N!). As she grows, she looks more and more like her mother, which I don't like because her mom is gorgeous and that's gonna be a problem for us when she starts dating someday. She's as quick as my mom with her smartass quips, which amuses me to no end (the smartass gene is apparently a dominant one in our family). And she genuinely enjoys helping people, just like her other grandma. I cannot wait to find out what she's gonna be when she grows all the way up, even though I dread that happening. My mom's solution to this is, of course, that I should "go get" more kids. I'm not sure if she means via kidnapping or on the black market or what. But she may be right this time. Plus, with Miss N being a helper and all, she could probably raise them for me. Score.