Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blinded By The Light

You know what was a really stupid thing to say? "Yeah! Let's each set E up!". Why, you ask? Because everybody involved in that conversation turned on me once they remembered there are two single lads in the group. And whilst one of us would like to take a wife, the other is not interested in that noise and thus it's slightly more difficult to find him...uh, me, a match. Unfortunately, the chicks in my life are like elephants (don't club me yet, ladies, I have a point) - they remember everything. And that includes another friend who has been bugging me for months to let her set me up on a blind date. I said no because I was still entangled in something else. Then I said okay to it happening this summer. And now I am being held to my word. So next weekend, yours truly will be thrown to the proverbial wolves and left to fend for himself. Okay, well one potential wolf. And it's not like I'm anti-blind date or anything, one of the best relationships of my life was the result of a blind date. It's just that I'm being told nothing about this chick. No name, no description, no nothing. And I've been lectured twice about not judging a book by its cover, which doesn't exactly inspire confidence. But these are my friends and I trust them with my life. Just maybe not my dating life.