Friday, July 4, 2014

Oh, Canada

Me: I don't know what song to use on my blog today since it's holiday.
G: Go with something patriotic. Like the national anthem.
Me: lol Not sure direction I want to take since the nation is a hot mess. Plus, I don't know that "The Star Spangled Banner" fits in with all the 90's sex songs I post.
G: Then post the national anthem dude.
Me: LMAO. Uh...that IS the national anthem. Did you think it was just called "National Anthem" or what?
G: lol.
Me: LOL You did, didn't you? Wow, Canada...just wow.
G: lol I am NOT Canadian! I may not know the title, but I know the words. Not even the Jackson 5 knew the words!
Me: I believe the words you know are something like, "Oh Canada, our home and native land".
G: Fuck you! lol I am as American as...
Me: LOL. Apple pie. The phrase is American as apple pie.
G: LOL. Dammit, why didn't I remember that.
Me: Yeah, I think you should opt to take your dual citizenship ass back up North.
G: I can't, I had to renounce my Canadian citizenship in order to become friends with you guys lol

Happy 4th, ya'll.