Sunday, July 6, 2014

Baby For Sale

I general don't care about the goings on of "celebrities" (term used loosely since it doesn't mean what it used to), but every now and then a story comes across the wire that is just too ridiculous to ignore. I think the first time I saw Sherri Shepherd was on "Friends" ("I shared my snack pack with you, man!"). I vaguely remember her having her own show or being on someone else's not long after and I watched because I thought she was funny. Then came "The View". It seems like every other week, there's some controversy or another on that show, either about their topics of discussion or about a host. And that's how we found out that she used abortion as a form of birth control in her younger years. I'm pro-choice and firmly believe women should be allowed to make their own choices about their bodies. But I also believe life begins at conception. I'm not a huge fan of even the morning after pill, so you can probably figure out how I feel about someone getting multiple abortions rather than just practicing safe sex. My view of her was drastically altered after not only the revelation, but the fact that she was totally unapologetic about it. Flash forward to about a month ago when news broke that she was divorcing her husband and it was going to get ugly. Reports claimed that she believed in traditional gender roles and got fed up with his lack of a job (supposedly he's a screenwriter, which is a career that runs hot and cold and even more so since he's black). He fired back at her claims by filing for sole custody of their unborn child, who was being carried by a surrogate his estranged wife could no longer have children, thanks to her multiple abortions. She filed her own claim for custody and both sides prepared for battle. At that time, I remember reading some comments at the bottom of the articles about the divorce and people seemed to be mostly rooting for her, which is not surprising since a lot of people side with the more famous party when shit hits the fan. Things took another turn over the weekend when she filed for divorce not in California, where they live, but in New Jersey, saying she no longer wants anything to do with the baby and does not want to be considered a parent. The filing was strategic as NJ does not recognize surrogacy agreements, and since the baby was conceived without her egg, a judge there would likely rule in her favor. In one month she's gone from fighting for custody of her child to not wanting it at all. Why? Money. She says he "defrauded" her into having a child so he could divorce her and get child support because he has no job and no money and therefore is after hers. Okay.
While I have no opinion on who is after who's money, I know for damn sure that any decent human being who put nine months into a baby isn't going to just walk away because they don't want to pay for it. Like how the fuck can you be that damn cruel? That kid didn't ask to be born and that surrogate likely didn't ask if she could carry your child, you CHOSE both of those things. And in all likelihood, they've put far more than nine months into the process, with attempting other methods first and then deciding on surrogacy. I know they say dudes don't get attached to their kids until they're born and they bond with them, but this is just ridiculous. Her egg or not, she agreed to be that child's mother. And if I were the surrogate, I wouldn't want to hand the kid over to either party. I'm not sure what her options are but hopefully things work out for the best and the baby ends up with someone who loves them and doesn't see them as a cash cow. This is something you'd expect from a guy because of the supposed lack of attachment, but not from a woman and especially one who already has a child. But then, I guess you can't expect much from somebody who would rather go through numerous invasive procedures rather than just use actual birth control.
Personally, I think all this stuff about men not being attached to their babies pre-birth is baloney. Obviously, it depends on the guy but it's very possible to love that kid as much as its mother does way before it's born. I loved Miss N way before either of us really knew each other. And I still love her just as much, even though she's now ditched me to go be a girl like her mother. I couldn't walk away from a child I knew was mine, regardless of the circumstances and I don't understand how anyone else (my deadbeat father included) could do it. I don't even get people who adopt animals and then get rid of them when they become too much hassle or aren't cute anymore. Like kids, animals are a lifelong commitment and people should need a license to be able to have either of them. If they did, the world would definitely be a better place. I'm so tired of these "what would Jesus do" types preaching to and judging everyone else for their life decisions while they do absolutely awful shit like discriminate against minorities and gays, have affairs and abandon babies at will. That shit is ridiculous and the worst part is none of those people have any shame about anything.