Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Raise your hand if you remember that time when Tiger Woods' gorgeous wife took a golf club to his Cadillac and chased him out the house and knocked his face in after finding out he was sexting with another woman? Yeah, me too. And we all remember what happened next, right? How the dominoes, who in this case were women, began to fall and spill every dirty little secret about him and their liaisons? Then, of course, came the ridiculously expensive divorce where his still-gorgeous now ex-wife rewrote the prenup and took a mofo amount of money, as well as the kids on her way out the door. So what's a once-beloved and now loathed golfer to do after all that drama? Date another blonde and court more controversy, of course. Lindsay Vonn was a huge story in my hometown during the Olympics as she trained there and was a resident for some years. I was visiting family when the story broke about her and El Tigre being a couple and there was not a person in the room I was in who didn't think the girl was barking up the wrong...well, tiger. One of my aunts actually called it by saying she hoped he wouldn't cheat on this one because she's an athlete and would probably swing for distance if she ever got a hold of a golf club herself. Well, when you're right, you're right.
In a week full of sports-related stories - the Brady suspension, the latest lawsuit the NHL will face, the final game of this round of the NHL playoffs - it is Tiger who comes from behind (see what I did there) and makes headlines of his own, and again for his personal life and not his golfing ability. I remember reading the occasional story during the first controversy in which his "friends" tried to justify his multiple affairs with strippers and call girls and anything female that moved. Their reasoning was that Tiger's father had been a serial cheater and only got worse once he had money and more access to more women, so of course his son was the same way. My initial thought was that it's crap thinking. My father knocked chicks up and then walked away, but you don't see me doing the same damn thing. Yes, children learn what they live, but they also grow up and become adults who are free to make their own life choices. Tiger continuing to live the single life with a wife and two little ones at home was not a result of his father's actions, it was a conscious choice to cheat every single time he did it. For every Tiger Woods who follows in daddy's adulterous footsteps, there is someone who witnessed the same behavior as a child and decided to go in the opposite direction as an adult. In my opinion, there is no defense for doing what he did to not only his wife, but his children. If he wanted to be single and bang prostitutes and spend his money in that way, he should've never gotten married and had a family, another choice he made for himself.
I was hardly surprised to read today that El Tigre and Vonn broke up because of his infidelity. Who didn't see that coming? I'm sure there were numerous people in her ear from the start telling her, pardon the pun, a leopard doesn't change its spots. I don't always believe, 'once a cheater, always a cheater', but in his case, cheating on such a massive scale with such reckless abandon, it more than applies. "Sex addict" or just plain whore, he will never be faithful to a woman, it's probably not even in his vocabulary. He may be for awhile, but not for the long haul. The way the article I read about this was written, we were all supposed to feel sorry for Tiger. See, rather than risk his chick finding out about his unfaithfulness the way his wife did, he instead chose to come clean to her about it while in a counseling session. And she bounced. Just. Like. That. And we're supposed to feel bad for him because he was apparently such a boy scout in telling her straight up what had happened. Ha. As if his only two options in life are to cheat and get caught or cheat and confess. You know the best way to avoid that awkward moment of getting caught or confessing? Don't cheat! I have no sympathy for someone who can't get their shit together, and especially when they don't seem to grasp how their actions hurt others. You think those kids aren't gonna read all of this someday? They're the ones I have sympathy for. But wait, this time there were more "friends" coming out to defend him with, "You have to understand, while it's not right, it's not really wrong either. Tiger isn't married. He doesn't really drink or do drugs. So what else does he have when he can't afford to lose again? He's allowed to find some relief.". I literally had to read that statement twice because I didn't comprehend it the first time. Who the hell thinks like that?? If that's his inner circle, no wonder he can't keep it in his pants, everyone around him is justifying the behavior. Married or not, when you make a commitment to someone and enter into a relationship, that means other people are off-limits (unless otherwise stated, obviously). It is actually wrong, regardless of whether there's a ring on either finger. You had a bad day at the golf course? Go home or to your hotel room or wherever and talk to the person you supposedly love. You don't get to cheat just because you don't drink or do drugs. Your career sucks because your true colors showed and karma is kicking your philandering ass right where it hurts - golf, the second most important thing in your life. Because I have no doubt that the most important thing is himself. And nothing will ever take precedence over that narcissism. I'm glad both of these women got out when they realized that themselves.