Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Calls Are Coming From Inside The House *heavy breathing*

Me: I'm thinking I might get this phone case.
G: ...Doesn't Gio have that same case?
Me: Yeah.
G: lol Ok.
Me: What?
G: Nothing. You're just giving off some mad Single White Female vibes right now.

Me: LOL. Shut up.
G: Does Gio have a puppy, by chance?

Me: Again, shut up.
G: Well at least we know you won't attempt to sleep with his girlfriend, since you've literally already been there and done that.

Me: lol The more likely scenario is sleeping with Gio and posing as MOC, then convincing Gio to buy me a puppy. And the phone case.
G: LOL. "Dear Gio, hey man, you gotta stallllker!"

Me: LOL Nothing like working "Happy Feet" into a conversation about crazy chicks.
G: Psssh, I'll take it even further and put you outside Gio's window holding a stereo and proclaiming your love. No idea what song you'd be playing though lol.
Me: "I don't want anybody else, when I think about you, I touch myself", whilst I do hand gestures and the spoken word part from the end.
G: LMAO. Please be that for Halloween, whether Gio has a restraining order against you by then or not.
Me: LOL. Done.