Sunday, September 9, 2007


(Taken from a friend's blog):

The Study of a Love/Hate Relationship Pt. 3
My re-rebuttal...
There are very few people that I can say manage to actually make my day better without even trying, or realizing that they do. All it takes is for a conversation to start...and I know I can count on the joy that was missing from my day will eventually return at some point.
He happens to be one of those characters that I've been lucky enough to find and by chance no less. I get irritated from time to time and I wonder what purpose I have in still being around...(and this is probably the only hang-up I have about this whole thing) because I feel what he goes through and I don't know how to help him sometimes.
I have unshakeble respect, love and trust in this person (believe me he's earned it puttin' up with all my nonsense over the years) and it's maddening...this...wanting to make things better and not being able to...and sometimes I can't help but get the feeling like if the help or opportunities were there, he wouldn't take them. As I said, it's just a feeling of might not necessarily be fact.
What else can I say? Through all the smack-talking and arguing (which I secretly enjoy) sometimes he's the one that gets me through my day when it all goes to pot...which means he saves my ass pretty much on a constant basis without even knowing it.