Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pregnant, Engaged, Married

It wasn't until the last week or so that I began to think about where some of my many ex's have ended up (probably because of where I now find myself). More than half are engaged or married and a good few are pregnant or have kids already. It's not a total shock, I mean, most of my ex's are in their 30's and 40's (all except two of them, I believe). But this whole thought process comes from the fact that one of those who is expecting has an amazing effect on my life the last few years.
We met way back in 2001 when she happened upon a shoot I was a part of and we became friends. It was a fairly close friendship from the start, we had a lot of the same interests in where we wanted our careers to go. A while back I was coming off a broken engagement and she was there for me. A lot of people were there, but she's the one that helped me see everything very clearly. We had..I guess you'd call it a "fling" but it was more of a relationship than many I've been in. She's 16 years older than me, but it's never been a problem. We talked, a lot, about everything and anything I was going through. She had her stuff together, she wanted to be there to help me through a hard time. And she did. It was like having a therapist on call all the time, except she actually cared and actually knew me. I worked through so much during our few months together. She gave me a lot more than I'm sure she knows or would admit to today. She's due next month with her first child, a girl, who'll be my Goddaughter. I can't wait. I know she'll be a wonderful mother, she's one of those people who was just born to do that. And I will never be able to thank her enough for what she did for me.