Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Study of a Love/Hate Relationship Pt. 2

Thus far, I know my blogs have gone in order and followed a pattern but I need to take a second to post a rebuttal to a good friend of mine who posted a blog with this very same title. I don't use names, but she knows who she is.
I don't remember how we met or why we met but we've gotten along well since then. We talk about everything and anything, and she knows...well, enough about me to bring me down quickly should I ever run for election of a public office. lol. She makes me laugh. She makes me mad. She makes me think. Honestly, if circumstances were different and I liked "rookies" (lol, I had to), we could potentially be a good couple.
She understands me and my moods. She doesn't care about my shortcomings or past conquests. She helps me deal with stuff sometimes. We argue quite a bit and probably could argue for hours, if one of us didn't have to stop for food all the time. The thing is, for me, it's not really love/hate or even love/mildly hate. Some days I get up and one of the first things on my mind is what our topic of conversation will be. Other days, I just do not have the energy for the fight we would most likely get into. But those days are few, of late.
I don't know her full, honest opinion of me and I probably never will. I know she cares enough to listen to me ramble some days. And I know that I care, more than she knows, about what she goes through. We joke about who wants who and call eachother names (bastard, rookie, etc.), but I think, when you break it all down, there is genuine respect and caring somewhere deep down. There would have to be to put up with eachother this long.
Bottom line, we fight, and scratch and scream but at the end of the day, yeah, we love one another. Maybe she's still blind to the fact that I am her knight in shining armor but, no biggie, her loss..there are plenty of other maidens in the town square that won't say no. lol. ;p So, in closing to my rebuttal, I will say - 'Let's Get It On' lol