Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Brigade

I've always been convinced I have the best group of friends in the world and I feel even more strongly about it now. It hasn't been the easiest week for me and for the past few days I've been pretty much avoiding everyone I can, working mostly from home. (Well, not my home, but my girlfriend's place). Yesterday was probably the worst day for me, so far. I hope it was the hump I needed to get over and now I can move past it all. Anyway, the girlfriend and I had plans to just have dinner and then chill out and the couch and watch t.v. all night. I took a shower and when I came back downstairs, the crew were all sitting on the couch demanding food. lol. Everyone had dinner and watched t.v. for what seemed like hours and for those few hours, all was right with my world. It was the only time this week that about half my brain hadn't been devoted every second to what's been going on. It was great. At some point during the evening I got to talk privately to just about everyone and they all made sure I was doing alright, without actually bringing everything back to the surface. I appreciate that. I love every single one of them, they're my family. I can think back to the top five moments in my life and one or all of them are a part of every single moment. One of these people in particular has become such a major part of my life and I never would have imagined we'd be where we are now. First off, he's a die-hard Yankees fan and you know I hate the Yankees. lol. But once you get beyond that and all of the outer stuff, he's one of the best guys in the world. I never really had a big brother, but now I know I do. We met back in 2001 and I guess it was just in time. My accident was just a year later and six months after that, he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Thankfully, he beat it and he's in remission now and has been for a good amount of time. We grew up on different coasts but still have a ton in common and I know most people who meet him but don't know him assume he's a totally different person from the reality. He's the epitome of the whole 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' saying. He's probably been my best guy friend during these tough years and we harass each other and such, like you do with siblings. But we both know that when it all comes down, we're not gonna even have to ask for one another to be there.
I've had so many good friends come and go throughout my life. But this group is full of the people I cannot pay to leave me alone. (Okay, maybe most of them would, if the price were like way high). They're the ones who are going to be there when I go through my whole mid-life crisis. lol, They better be, they were there for the quarter-life one. I'd even venture to say we're all gonna end up wreaking havoc at the same retirement home. lol. Can't wait.