Friday, September 21, 2007

The Difference Maker

One of my best friends on this planet is a person I met when we were in junior high. I sat next to her in Spanish and her older sister sat in front of me. We were all bored out of our skulls because we already knew the language and just took the class for credit. I remember it was the beginning of the school year and I leaned forward to talk to her sister. She introduced us and we hit it off right away. She's one of those people that makes your day better just by being around, and we got to spend most of the afternoon together today. There are a million reasons we get along so well and so many things I just adore about her, but the top thing is her laugh. I can't even describe it but, my God, it's just the best laugh I've ever heard. She knows more than anyone what I went through when my engagement fell apart because she's been through a very similar situation. We've never dated but we have flirted with the possibility. Yeah, it could've worked out once upon a time, but I think she's always known who she really wants. And finally last year he realized it and they've been pretty happy since then. I admire what they have. They're in the same profession, they've been friends for over a decade and even though they're different personality-wise, it always seems to balance out.
I've been in relationships with people who were just like me and some who were exact opposites. I don't know why, but it feels like I've worked, or had to work, much harder when I've dated someone like myself. I always thought it'd be easier that way, because if you're alike then there's less to understand. But that hasn't been the case. I don't think I have a "type" that I really look for, in terms of personality. Looks, obviously, yes, lol. We all know that story. But as long as she has a great sense of humor and doesn't take anything too seriously, we're good. I've only dated two or three women who could actually make me laugh, instead of me always being the one to throw out a smart ass comment. Last year I dated someone who is about eight years older than me and was someone I never even really considered a friend until the accident. We met nine years ago at work and got on pretty well, but life takes you down different paths. We worked together again in 2001, but didn't get to spend much time together because of some outside issues. Then came the car accident and hospital stay. She visited me about a week after I woke up. I remember it clearly (which is rare) because she came in with this giant Taz stuffed animal and a huge, like, 8 pound box of chocolates.
"I brought you Taz because I know you love him. And chocolate because it makes everything better."
It didn't make everything better, but it made the day more bearable. That was the first time we got to have a conversation at length and it was wonderful. Six years later we were tossed back together and got to spend some time working on various projects. She'd been in a long-term relationship that ended badly and to say she was bitter is the understatement of the century. lol. She let it be known she was this close to being through with dating altogether. About a month after we started working together, I started to get all nervous around her and I didn't know why. We'd grown closer and spent a good amount of late nights finishing up some stuff but I never thought I'd feel anything for her. Yet, here I was like a boy just hitting puberty, having all these weird feelings. lol. I should point out that all of this was out of character because I've never gotten nervous around women in my life. I finally asked her out and we dated for a good four months or so. She made/makes me laugh, challenges me in so many ways. We took a break because I just couldn't handle a full-on commitment at the time. It's not completely done and we're still friends.
I don't know if she knows that she made a huge difference in my life by bringing me chocolate. But it wasn't just that, it was our conversation that day. I needed to talk to someone who knew me but wasn't as close to the situation as most of my friends were. She just listened. She didn't try to interrupt or tell me how I should feel, she just let me vent. She still does. I'm glad I met her when I did and I'm glad she's the kind of person who's there for you, whether or not you know it.