Monday, September 3, 2007

The Intro

Okay, so I've been blogging off and on for a few years now. But I always became too lazy to keep up with everything, between school and work and a, well, very active social life. But this time, I think I can stick to it, mainly because I have to.I love to write and I've had a lot of friends who get a kick out of reading my views on things I've gone through in my life. I don't tend to describe everything in a serious manner all the time. I think you need to see the humor in life, no matter how bad the situation may seem. I've done a lot in life. More than I ever thought I would do, some things I never thought I would do. I've had a lot of friendships and, and many, many romantic relationships.
At first, I didn't think that I'd been involved with anymore people than some of my friends. Then, we talked about all this and well...yeah, I've been around. It's not like I've ever intended to date the whole team, just kinda happened. My weakness in life has always been women. For as far back as I can remember, that's been my downfall. Don't get me wrong, I won't do just anything that walks by, I'm not a "typical guy" in that sense. But if I come across someone I like and she likes me and etc., etc... *sigh* it's always been an issue.
I enjoyed my escapades in the beginning. I was 12 when I had my first kiss. It was akward, especially since she's like a sister to me now. I was 14 when I fell in love for the first time, and this was actual love, we're talking..possibly the love of my life here. She was my sister's best friend and we just clicked from minute one. We spent a long time together. Some people have called it a love/hate relationship, but it wasn't. It was a difficult relationship at times though. She was amazing, but then there would be this other side that came out and it was ugly. I didn't wanna be around her when that side was there. We fought a lot sometimes, we were both very passionate people, but you always knew in the back of your mind that you loved one another. We eventually got it together and spent an amazing, fight-free year together. We were insanely close friends, through everything and anything that came either of our ways. We had the best lunch together one week before she passed in 2002 (the beginning of the worst years of my life, more on that later). She's a big part of why I've become such a great writer in the first place. I miss her. Our kind of friendship is not something that comes along everyday. Maybe it'll never come along again. But I'm glad I had it once in my life. I believe it was the end of this relationship that sent me on the questionable decisions tour I've been on the last 10 years.