Sunday, January 30, 2011

Child's Play

One of my favorite people in the universe turned 31 today and had a party to celebrate the occasion. I brought my daughter along for the festivities and about halfway through the afternoon noticed her engaged in seemingly deep conversation with another little girl. I decided to take a seat nearby, out of their view, so I could listen in on what she found so fascinating. Her little friend was going on and on about how she was going to have a little sister in three months time and how that was the coolest thing ever. Then the friend (older than my girl by about two years) asked my daughter why she did not yet have a little sister. I was hoping to hear some kinda clever comeback like she didn't want one because she didn't wanna share her toys. What I heard instead was, "I'm gonna ask my daddy." *sigh*
The rest of the afternoon went without incident; she had a blast with her friends, took a nap without a fight (a minor miracle these days) and didn't object when I decided it was time for us to leave. I had hoped she'd forgotten about her little convo but apparently not because on the ride home she suddenly asked why she doesn't have a little sister. I asked why she wanted one but she just kinda stared off into the distance and didn't answer. Then my girl went for the gold and asked if she could have a little sister. I didn't really know how to answer that but then I remembered when I was a kid and asked for something complicated, my mom would always say, 'We'll see'. (As the sibs and I got older we learned that typically meant 'No'). But my girl didn't interpret it as a no because not even a second after the words 'we'll see' left my lips, she let out a cheer and said, "Yay! I'm getting a little sister!". *sigh again*