Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Favorite Mistake

Running into the almost-girlfriend that time forgot made me start thinking about other relationships I hadn't thought of in awhile. One in particular stood out. It wasn't a dating thing, we were both in it purely for the sex. I still remember the day we met. Being in the same industry and working just a few doors down from each other at the time, I knew of her but didn't know her personally. Rumor had it she was kinda creepy (in a goth way) and was in the middle of a hellish divorce. (I later found out that she and the husband had adopted a kid but then the husband decided he didn't want a kid and filed for divorce.) One afternoon we were in the same equipment room and she asked me if I was seeing anybody. I said no and she asked point blank if I wanted to hook up later that night. She was insanely attractive so I said yes and we ended up meeting off and on for about two months.
She wanted nothing to do with relationships after the way her last one ended and it was made clear from the start that the only purpose I served was to help her with whatever physical needs she had. We did venture out on maybe three or four occasions, one of which was to a club to meet up with some of her friends. She wasn't much older than me, maybe five years, but I overheard them teasing her about "robbing the cradle". I also heard them talking about how they felt bad about what she was doing to me. I never understood why they felt that way though. I went in knowing what it was all about and if I'd had a problem with that, I wouldn't have been involved in it. It did get a little weird near the end though. I eventually met and spent time with her kid and one night she asked if I could babysit him for a few hours. I had somewhere to be so I said no and started to distance myself from the situation. I had a feeling she'd met someone else so I knew we wouldn't be hooking up much longer and I moved on. Two months after that she called me and said she was in a relationship and "wanted to make sure we were okay". I said we were fine and never heard from her again. I do know she has since married and had two more kids.
Do I regret our situation? I can't say that I do. Would I still do it all again if I could go back in time? Probably. We did actually have a lot in common and maybe once or twice I let my mind wander into what it might be like to give it a legit try. But it never would've worked out, we were too different on too many levels. It was probably one of the most honest relationships I've ever had in my life. A large part of that probably has to do with there being no expectations on either side of the equation. Had the sex been lousy it wouldn't have gone past the first night and that woulda been the end of it. Because we knew there was no relationship potential, there was no need to try and impress each other. It was good for what it was and for that time in my life. But there's no...'wow' thinking about the situation nowadays. To borrow a favorite word from a friend, it was just 'meh'. It happened, it was alright and it ended.