Saturday, January 15, 2011


A few posts back when I was going over past decade of my life and the hits and misses I neglected to mention one very important thing I was proud of, which is my work. It's not like I work in an industry that makes the world a better place or anything, but I'm still very proud of what I've accomplished. Especially since I didn't screw anybody over to get to where I did. I've been able to do more than I ever thought I would and I've met some amazing people in the process. Actually most of the big events in my life seem to tie to my work in some way (meeting the mother of my child, for example), which I guess is inevitable when you work as much as I used to. It's almost a year since my last job in my previous industry ended and although I loved it (and would still be there today if the job were still there) I was kinda ready for a break from it. But damn if this industry isn't like the mob and keeps pulling you back in.
The timing of the end of that job coincided with the arrival of my daughter for her summer-long stay with me so it was a no-brainer that I wanted to take time off to be with her. And that worked out awesome and I'm so glad I did it. Since then I've been working in a similar industry but in a totally different capacity than I've ever done before and I've enjoyed it but I've also felt like it's just been killing time. I've been thinking about what I really wanna do. Do I wanna go back to school? Very much so but it's a long commitment and poses other challenges. Do I wanna pursue music minus a degree? I'm not sure, it's kinda lost its luster the past little while and the hours aren't always kid-friendly. So that would leave my old industry as a possibility, right? I wouldn't have thought so until today.
I'm currently in the land of a thousand exes and apparently also a thousand career opportunities. Granted it's in a town where everybody wants to give you something as long as you're willing to give too but still I'm surprised at some of the offers I've been fielding the past 48 hours. One in particular could seriously be my dream job and the offer came by way of a work acquaintance I hadn't seen in forever. I don't know man, I'm suddenly very nervous about the career side of things and I've never felt that way before. It's interesting but scary. Made even weirder by the fact that the last time I was interviewing for work (which was right out of college), I didn't have to consider what would work out best for the kid. You know...there may be some truth to those, 'having a baby changes everything' commercials after all.