Sunday, January 16, 2011

Useful Life Lesson I Never Wanted to but HAD To Learn # 3,720 *Updated*

A friend of mine wrote a note on FB awhile back about how you can't fix people, change people...I don't remember it all exactly but I do remember she worded it in a very poetic way and I meant to save it but didn't. And I wish I had because it would be the one thing I'd post right now so that a certain someone could understand my feelings at this exact moment.

*Update - Found the above mentioned note*

"There are people on this planet that you:
-cannot help
-cannot save
-cannot protect
-cannot change
-hell, even point in the right direction.

Even when they know it is for their own good. We may feel the urge to continue to hope and hover nearby. But once they start to show signs of digging their heels in and continue down the same path, that's the point where perhaps it is best if you step back and they have to take their own spills and figure it out for themselves."
