Wednesday, January 5, 2011

She Went Away and Then I Took A Different Path

I ran into an ex...wouldn't say girlfriend, but we dated for about three months when we were both maybe 23 or 24. We met by chance and I remember being thrown for a loop by how attracted I was to her even though she wasn't my "type". (I've always denied having a type but now I'ma just accept it). Hindsight being 20/20, I think she was attracted to my creative talents and I was attracted to the way she liked to challenge me. It started out well but quickly went downhill. There were a few obstacles; she's Jewish and her family was very insistent that she marry a Jewish guy and she had just (like two weeks before) gotten out of a long-term relationship with a guy she thought she was gonna marry. And, of course, there were my ever-present problems. Our situation ended because she still had strong feelings for her ex, so we broke it off and she tried again with him. No drama, it just fizzled. I hadn't thought about her in awhile, the last time being when I heard she was getting married a year ago (not to the ex, btw). Our relationship was so brief and took place during such a tumultuous period of my life that I'd almost forgotten about it. And I forget why we chose not to try and maintain a friendship since nobody did anybody wrong. I don't know what happens now either. We have close friends in common so maybe we build a friendship of our own. Or maybe not. Maybe we just run into each other now and again and catch up and move on. But it was kinda nice to be reminded of something I gave my all to. I can honestly say I tried with her. Being that I am hard on myself, I tend to forget the stuff I did right sometimes. I have to learn to take in the little victories.