Friday, December 31, 2010

Got A Problem, You Know I'll Solve It

So she wrote: Burned

Then I wrote: Flashbacks of a Fool

And now she's completed the trilogy (and thank you for telling me my problems and how to solve 'em ;p):

"Relationships Pt. 2

Since I posted Pt. 1 I've gotten feedback from 2 of the 6 bfs I wrote about. I didn't write about them to piss them off but 1 of them got upset so I changed his name. The other 1 took to his blog to write what he thought of our time together and I didn't get to read it until today. He has a history of being too hard on himself so he thinks I was too kind in analyzing us. His blog reminded me of some stuff I'd forgotten about and brought up some stuff I never knew. I had no idea until the very end of our relationship that alcohol wasn't his biggest problem. Had I known the full extent of his extracurriculars I probably woulda been out the door for good earlier. I am an extremely patient and compassionate person but I probably woula encouraged him to do something I know he would have refused and I would have had to end it anyway. I always thought he was drinking too much to numb himself but I didn't know there were other things involved in his numbing process. The only thing I remember about that is we'd been drama free for a month and then I foud some stuff under my bed that had fallen out of his pocket. I thought nothing of it at the time since I knew he was on medication for the aftereffects of his car accident. Looking back there was a lot more wrong with our relationship than I thought. For a long time I've thought that if he'd just dealt with his issues we could've been something great for a long time. But now I can see that we probably would've had to move major mountains to accomplish anything. I always thought it was right person/wrong time but now I'm not so sure. I think fatherhood has changed him for the better and I know that if we were still together he wouldn't have had that opportunity to become a dad. So it would seem that we were always meant to go our separate ways anyway and our time together was only meant to be a learning experience. So what did I learn from him then? I learned how to communicate better and without yelling. I learned that even the best of people will let you down but you can't hold a grudge against them for it, we all make mistakes. I learned that it is possible to connect at the soul with someone but not be in love with them and I didn't think that was possible before. I think my biggest lesson from the relationship was that you can't help someone who isn't in a place to help themselves. He thinks I let him off too easy in my first analysis but I know I didn't. I said what I needed to say and I don't have much bad to say about him as a person. Besides who he is now is not who he was when we dated. But just to make him happy (lol) I will point out what I didn't like about him then that hold true now. He's WAY too hard on himself, he's incurably stubborn and he enjoys making fun of those who cannot sing a note during karaoke (oh and he also CHEATS to win at karaoke). So my new years advice to you love is to chill out when you make mistakes, try and not be so damn stubborn all the time and lay off of those who are tone deaf and keep your clothes on during karaoke for gods sake!"
*Notes* - I like the term 'incurably stubborn' almost as much as I like 'adorably dysfunctional' (which a friend often uses to describe me). And I have never taken my clothes off to win a silly little karaoke competition! Okay...once but nothing came off, it was just a quick flash. And you're just jealous cuz it worked.