Friday, December 17, 2010

Tales Of A Sub-Par Elf

You know what's funny?

I almost begged my daughter to want anything but a real live monkey from Santa.
And I succeeded.

Then I couldn't find the gift she wanted instead so I set out to get her the next model up.
And I couldn't find it anywhere.

Then I found it but the company wanted to charge me 80 bucks to ship it.
And I did not like that.

Then I found it at a store where I could go physically pick it up but I had to wait in line for an hour at the checkout.
And I did not like that either.

Then I got it home and found the instructions were in Chinese and French only with no pictures (random much?) and I hoped I could read enough French to understand what went where (Speak it? No problem. Read it? Eh...).
And I did surprisingly well with that.

Then the pieces did not fit together the way the instructions said they should. AT ALL.
And that got on my nerves.

Then my mom knocked the whole thing over while trying to take a picture of "Santa's Elf" working.
And I kicked her out of my workshop.

Finally, I slapped a bow on it and locked the door to my workshop, proud of having finished building what has to be a toy manufactured by the devil himself.
And I was tired but happy.

Then I realized I have to figure out how to move it in one week's time without the kid hearing it sliding down the hallways and up the stairs.
And I concluded that I shoulda just gotten her the monkey.

Ah...the joys of parenthood at the holidays.