Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Love The 90's

I've been on a serious 90's Hip Hop/R&B trip of late. I've barely listened to any Christmas music in the past month, which I'm sure I'll regret once the season is over and I have to wait a whole 'nother year to crank it up. I go through music phases a lot and the 90's is definitely my decade. I've discovered a station on my sister's cable box that plays nothing but 90's music 24/7 and I've pretty much been living off of it. I love 90% of the songs they play and sometimes the order of songs adds additional entertainment (for example, as I write this 'Baby Got Back' just ended and now 'I Touch Myself' is playing). I think my renewed fascination with these songs is that there are so many of them I love but haven't heard in awhile cuz my ipod seems to show favoritism towards certain songs when I set my 90's playlist to shuffle (seriously, over 1,000 songs on that playlist and yet I somehow hadn't heard 'Come To My Window' in forever). Then there are times this channel plays songs I heard maybe once throughout the entire decade of the 90's and it plays them every hour or every two hours. There are also a lot of songs that I either can't stand (ie. anything Color Me Badd) or wouldn't really say I love but I remember them from childhood and use them to torment certain family members (say, 'Step By Step' by the New Kids, which I sing to my formerly-NKOTB-obsessed cousin every time it comes on). I could go on and on about my love for 90's tunes but a song I loathe just came on (starts with an M, chorus is sung in Spanish, started a cheesy ass dance craze and I refuse to use the title on my blog) and I cannot locate the remote.