Monday, December 13, 2010

Lay Down Your Arms, Give Up The Fight

My decision to not think about custody issues until next year fell by the wayside yesterday when the mother of my daughter called and asked if we could meet to discuss where we stand. I went to the meeting expecting nothing more than another argument or demand of some sort. I don't like to believe the worst of people or their intentions but the way things have gone down the past few months, I had no reason to expect it'd be pretty. I love when I'm wrong. It turned out to be wonderful. It was like she realized that making this ugly is going to accomplish nothing so why even go there. For the first time in a long time she resembled the person I always knew she was. It took an hour to sort out custody, though it's not yet official and the holidays are still up in the air. But for the most part we got everything decided and she even added an extra element to the agreement that I hadn't even thought of but am thrilled about. It's like the animosity and the threats are just gone, I hope for good. I'm totally thrown by how it all went down. It's like some kind of early Christmas gift. And the best one I could ever hope for.