Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Climb The Tower, Slay The Dragon

Did you know there is a form of insomnia that can actually kill you? Neither did I until today. Whilst I'm 99% sure I don't have this condition, my inability to sleep tonight is getting on my nerves. I had a decent day and the custody pendulum swung in my direction (kind of). But all I'm accomplishing by lying down is massive amounts of tossing and turning. And so I figured I would blog. But that's not working out either. A lot to write about but I can't seem to articulate it all right now. I have at least three blogs finished that I should publish but reading them back just now, they all seem not great. So, let's blog about something positive and hope that sends me into semi-peaceful slumber.
Not too long ago I watched an old school Disney flick that my daughter is borderline obsessed with at the moment. And it occurred to me that Disney movies are blissfully unaware of everyday relationship issues, (as they should be since they're meant for little ones). They pretty much all follow the same formula; pretty girl is pursued by bad and/or vain but attractive guy she wants nothing to do with. Girl then stumbles into random situation that leads her to a perceived undesirable dude, say an incredibly hairy 8 foot tall beast or a petty thief whose best friend is a shifty monkey. Girl is able to look past the outside flaws and/or social status and see the good heart inside and falls for the guy, usually to the tune of a pretty awesome song. Together they knock off the vain guy (all implied of course since nobody dies in these movies), liberate her father (cuz there's always a father involved somehow) and the undesirable either transforms into a handsome prince or she slaps some new duds on him and makes him one. Then they, of course, live happily ever after (once they fulfill their apparent contractual obligations for a few bad sequels).
Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of these movies whether I like it or not, thanks to having grown up with a buncha girls (my first pet was even named after a character in a Disney movie). They all end up preaching the same message about not judging a book by its cover and being a good person, etc. I especially like the theme of happily ever after being in the last place you look. And I do think everyone should get to experience at least one of those fairytale, fall in love to an awesome song moments in their lifetime (click below if you have no clue what I'm talking about here or if you do what I mean and just want an excuse to watch some Disney scenes). So yeah, Disney lies and it's never that easy but it's nice to know that that feeling is possible, even if it's not simple. That's part of what makes life worth living, the possibility that your opportunity to climb to the highest floor of the tallest tower, slay the dragon and get the girl (or guy) could come at any time.

Beauty & the Beast

A Whole New World