Friday, August 26, 2011

Rail Tales

My brother and I have hit the halfway point of our journey home. Unfortunately, we'll be bussing it the rest of the way because the train we were supposed to take the rest of the way derailed this morning. But our first train ride actually wasn't that bad. My brother and I have started speaking some and even played a few games of cards this morning. Even when we're not speaking, the silences haven't been as awkward as I thought they'd be. We're still not really eating together or having in-depth conversations but hey, progress is progress. I didn't get too much sleep in last night cuz I couldn't get comfortable but that's a non-issue since I rarely get much sleep anymore, no matter where I am. I'd have to say the highlight of the first half of the trip was being able to engage in some very entertaining texting (god bless technology). Some examples:

Friend: Obviously we know why you're taking a train to Denver but why are the rest of the passengers? Why aren't they flying? I'd like you to casually take a survey and find out this info for me please. Thank you.
Me: LOL I was just gonna say 'I'm not gonna take a poll as to why these people are on this train'
Friend: LOL Please. It will be fun for me and a good activity for you

(I didn't officially do this but I have found myself asking the people I interact with why they're on the train. The power of suggestion, I guess.)
(Sent from my mom's phone cuz crazy aunt supposedly doesn't know how to text)
Crazy Aunt: Mijo, your mom told me about that lady who wants your cookies. Did you ask if she was single?
Me: No. She was creepy.
Crazy Aunt: You're 30, you can't be picky anymore.

(lol Thanks for that, crazy aunt. Appreciate it.)
(After I suggested "forgetting" my brother at one of the train stops after a particularly trying conversation)
Mom: I will hit you so hard, you will be knocked back to prehistoric times [first name, middle name, last name]. DO NOT leave your brother in Ohio.
(Late last night)
Me: We've barely said two words to each other the whole trip. I don't know how to start a conversation
Sister: "Hi [bro's name], why do you hate my guts?". If he responds and then you say something else, that's called a conversation.
(About six hours into the ride)
Me: I am SO bored
Friend: lol I liked that that's how you chose to start a conversation with me. Go on, whisper sweet nothings in my ear lady killer
Me: Great. Now I have the Jetsons theme stuck in my head
Friend: lol Aw I loved the Jetsons movie....'The siiimpsons'. Oh shit, wrong show. I meant '....his boy elroy'
Friend: The youngest one in curls.....
Me: LOL Now we're just mashing up tv theme songs
Me: In west Philadelphia, born and raised
Friend: I suffer from TV tourettes...on the playground is where I spent most of my days
Me: And we're moving on up to the east side
Friend: I was just gonna write that! LOL
Friend: Sunday, Monday, happy days
Me: Now see, that one always throws me. I can never remember the whole song and I just repeat 'happy days, happy days' over and over lol
Friend: I know right? I was just gonna make my way down the days of the week lol....January, February happy days
Me: LOL. Sleepy, Dopey, happy days
Friend: LMAO I love you
(At about 11:00 at night)
Me: Well this one actually is the better route than the one that will take us to Denver. this one goes along the water for awhile
Friend: That's pretty, I love the water
Me: We have a big window too but we can't see anything now, obviously
Friend: Can you believe that I was gonna ask why lol
Me: LOL. Yes. Yes I can
Friend: I would be offended, but I walked into that one lol
And, though not a text, I would like to thank the nice elderly lady who sat at the table next to me and began telling me about how she was once on a train that crashed. Comforting. That made every bump the rest of the trip feel like an 'I survived a train wreck' story of my own was right around the corner (and this creeps me out even more since a train we coulda been on actually did crash yesterday).

And so it's on to the next part of the journey...(and there are tamales at the end of this leg, so it can't go by fast enough).