Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel....Confused

In the past 8 hours:

~ Cousin D.M.C (yes, those are his actual initials) reunited with his ex-girlfriend whom he swore he was done with unless she was ready to marry him and have his babies right now.

~ Cousin A.J.C. sent his girlfriend of 6 years packing for the last time, even though she came around and said she was ready to talk marriage and kids.

~ Sis-in-law informed everyone she no longer wants to file for divorce and she's calling in a favor to try and get my brother moved back home so he can recover where he wants.


Oh, and blog author me got in a full 6 hours of sleep last night.

Truly the end is upon us, my friends...