Monday, August 8, 2011

When I Grow Up To Be...Whatever The Hell It Is I Wanna Be

Perhaps not surprisingly, I haven't worked a single hour since my brother's incident. Also not surprisingly, the producer of the project I was working on isn't happy about the current state of affairs. I swore I'd finish it within the next month and then I sat there and thought for a second. I don't enjoy my current profession. At all. I love editing, I always have, but I think I enjoyed it more when I was putting together my own projects. Even this current one I was working on was about a subject I'm passionate about, but I couldn't force myself to sit down and work some days. So I've decided I'm likely gonna bow out of the game after I finish this project. I'm kinda sad about that but also kinda stoked.
Last night a fellow out of work friend and I tossed around ideas about how we could support ourselves with minimum effort. Many ideas were brought up (did you know that "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" is still on? Neither did I.) but in the end I believe it was decided that the best course of action would be for each of us to marry rich. Then divorce rich, take the cash and run off with each other. If that's not a solid plan with no loopholes, then I don't know what is. Whilst this plan has not yet officially been shot down, it's probably wise to think of other ways to accomplish that small goal of supporting oneself.
Later on in the same conversation I was asked what I really wanted to do with myself. And I have no answer for that. I have some ideas but none that I'm really in love with. I feel like I want my next job to mean something and contribute positively to the world in some way. I know that sounds big but I've noticed that helping others is something I love to do. How I would go about doing that is not clear yet, but I'm gonna look into it. But if that doesn't work out, there's always the marry rich plan. What chick doesn't wanna marry a dude with a kid and let him spend her money in any way he sees fit, right?