Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Friend: lol See? It's not that I have anything against Asians
Friend: I just don't want you tainting my species...er...race
Me: lol RAPIST!
Me: Wait
Friend: LOL!!!!!!
Friend: That could be a bumper sticker
Me: lol Or a song
Me: Rapists and racists and warm woolen mittens
Friend: LOL!!
Friend: Ewoks and BJ's and whiskers on kittens
Friend: Now we HAVE to rewrite that song!
Me: Mookie and Zoltan and Asian babies, these are a few of my favorite things
Friend: When we break up, when we make up and I'm feeling sad...I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feeeeeeel ssooooo baaaaad
Friend: I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed this year
Friend: Holding my breath....knocking on wood...performing rain lap dances
Me: lol Don't get too into those lap dances
Me: You don't wanna get blue balls since you can't go all the way
Friend: Ouch lol
[Friend posts USC Video (I went to UCLA)]
Friend: You walked into that one, bringing my blue balls into this
Me: lol My bad
Me: Your DAINTY blue balls
Friend: lol Bastard