Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chamo, Mookie, Jesus, Paco, Zoltan, Fredrick and Bo

Today turned out to be an unexpected venture into the world of baby names. And it all began so innocently. I was working but had football on in the background (I didn't think my team would win anyway but I'd be disowned by my family if I didn't turn on the game). I got a text from my cousin saying the name of some dude on the game was Zoltan (seriously) and I immediately took a liking to that name. Now, this comes a few months after I took a liking to the name Chamo (long story) and swore up and down that I would name my next kid that so obviously I have some issues with liking weird names. Anyway, I told a friend that I thought Zoltan was the coolest name I had ever heard in my life and that I had to name something that, whether it be a child or a parrot or a monkey. The friend said they'd always wanted to name their child Kal-El but that they never would since they intend to actually love their child, and because they would want the name to reflect their heritage (something I'm also a big fan of). I proceeded to tell everyone I know about my newfound (one hour old) dream to name something Zoltan and inadvertently started a dialogue on baby namin'.
I have, intentionally or not, named like four kids in my lifetime and they were all good names (nothing like Zoltan or Chamo). They were all spur of the moment but hopefully none of them scar the children for life. I like names that mean something, whether it be a family name or a name that's a nod to the kid's heritage. This probably comes from the fact that my family has done that with names for quite sometime, but I still like it. Eventually other friends and family joined in on the name convo and there were some...inspired choices thrown around. Crazy aunt said she's recently taken a shine to the name Fredrick for no reason (now you know where I get it), before pointing out that she likely won't ever get to use it for her own child. (Cuz you know, now that she's like in her 70's she feels like she's done procreating.) Then my cousin chimes into the debate saying he and his Mrs. are on the brink of deciding to have a kid but are already arguing about names because she likes Bo and he doesn't believe that's an actual name. interesting evening of conversatin' for sure. And you know what? I am still left wanting to name something Zoltan. To which my mom said, "If that's what you're going to name my next grandchild, then don't have one." Who knew threatening with awful names would change her opinion on me having more kids? Score.