Monday, January 9, 2012

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs...

I am a cheesy romantic and therefore believe in things like fate and destiny and "signs". Find a penny lying heads up on the sidewalk? It's a sign you should play the lottery. Sudden downpour on your wedding day? It's a sign you shouldn't get married. Queen Latifah and Dolly Parton in the same movie? Well, the end may truly be upon us. The funny thing about signs is that they pop up when you least expect them and sometimes you catch them right away, while other times you need a little help. Today I couldn't talk to someone I care a great deal about and it was terrible. To make matters worse, I was reminded of them all day by the simplest things. A friend brought me my morning coffee and the side of her cup had the initials of the person I wasn't allowed to talk to. But I thought of it as a coincidence. Then, I put some music on and the second song that came up on the shuffle was one that reminds me of her in a major way and my reaction was, "Are you kidding me, universe?". Finally, I watched a football game featuring her hometown team against my hometown team, something she thought was a sign when she first heard of the match up. And I didn't even care who won.
So what does it all mean? It means...something. The first place my mind went after I heard the song was to something she's said to me more than once. That we haven't been able to say our goodbyes because we're not supposed to. Like we're not wired for it because it's not meant to happen anytime soon, if ever. The connection is too strong and it's something you should never let go once you find it. So many signs in one day is very telling. *sigh* SO much more I feel like I need to get off my chest but I'm exhausted. And...I guess the right word would be blue.