Saturday, January 28, 2012

Five Rounds With Jack Daniels

You ever have one of those moments where you start out sober and someone makes a suggestion that sounds like a terrible idea, but once you've had a few it is the most fantastic thing you've ever heard in your life? Me too. I began the night all full of emotion and angsty about a lot of stuff but I ended the night...well, passed the hell out (upside: I was feeling no emotions and no pain). I haven't really had a drink in almost a month and I haven't missed it. Even when I do drink now, I only have one or two at the most. Not this time. And it wasn't even intentional. I'd started drinking some lemonade with dinner before a friend told me it was spiked (which I should have known since this chick would spike air if she could). No biggie, I finished it and finished eating. But I went back for more. And then another one, all while playing some Texas Hold 'Em with a bunch of lousy poker players. Four lemonades in I was all kindsa buzzed (but not drunk shockingly, my tolerance is pathetically low now that I'm drugged up) and quite talkative. I went on a rather long winded rant about my brother and my father and one of my uncles and how they're all the same person since they all have a history of being child-abandoning jerks. The friend who spiked my drink is as brash and aggressive as someone can get and she suggested I call my brother and, whether he answers or not, tell him exactly how I feel. Now sober I would've nixed this idea in the development stage but four lemonades in, it sounded like the best advice anyone had ever given me in the history of life. One more lemonade and ten voicemails later, I felt much better about the brother situation. I don't even care if he ever listens to the messages I left, I said what I needed to say. So I'm still sad about it but I'm not gonna fight with him anymore. It is what it is and I did what I could and that's the end of it for me.
As if that wasn't enough excitement for one evening, my friends decided it would be a great idea to watch "Titanic". And being that I'm obsessed with that subject and I had been drinking, I felt the need to repeat every fact twice. Occasionally I had to be told to use my inside voice because I got too excited (Nerd alert: I just got a new DVD of documentaries and a new book on the subject, and found out I'm going to one of the exhibitions in April for my birthday so I was a little bit amped up). I haven't been sleeping lately so I didn't think I'd make it through the entire three hours of the movie but I did and then was too wired to sleep and too buzzed to go home by myself. So we played a few games of Scrabble while discussing the pros and cons of joining a dodgeball league together and I ended my evening by falling asleep to the sounds of people debating who has become a bigger slut since college. Yeah. So I guess I broke even and had a productive night.