Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It IS The Simple Things

First some background. Last night while I was talking to a friend of mine, I could hear the person's mom in the background talking loudly on the phone (she was in another room, behind a closed door and I could still hear her). Today this friend went back to work and is at a job that allows them to talk to people pretty much all day long so we were texting. And it provided this MUCH needed laugh. Thank you, I love you mon ;p.

Friend: Lol Wow, I just opened up a box of what I thought was regular ol caramel popcorn. As soon as I realized it was drizzled with white chocolate my reaction was to gasp and say 'shut uppa you face' in this awestruck ridiculous voice.
Me: LOL. I love that these are the things that make you gasp in amazement.
Friend: It's the simple things.
Me: Word to your yelling-into-the-phone mother.
Friend: This is going to sound wrong, but I wish you were in my mouth right now, so you could know how delicious this stuff is.
Me: LOL You know...you coulda just said you wished you could share with me. But you went gutter. And I am a fan. Well done.
Friend: LOL!! I must save your responses on my phone...yelling-into-the-phone mother cracked me up