Saturday, January 28, 2012


One of my best friends just got an iPhone. Hilarity ensues.

G: So there's some sound out there and it's not good but she decides to go see anyway and gets her arm chopped off.
Me: That's gross. And also, stupid.
G: I know! White people, man . . .
Me: lol That's your answer to everything. And it's even more hilarious since you and [best friend] are half white but refuse to acknowledge it.
G: I will acknowledge my half when you acknowledge that you are a reporter.
Me: LOL. I confess! I'm a reporter!
G: LOL. Fuck. **A QUARTER, as in a quarter white.
Me: lol Oh I know what you meant.
Me: I'm thoroughly enjoying your new phone.
G: Sigh. You and everyone else but me. It's okay, I know you love Istanbul. You can admit it.
Me: LOL Uh...I will admit to liking Istanbul as a fiend. I can't commit to loving it though.
G: LOL Istanbul is a fiend? Now that sounds Reese's.
G: Wait, where is Istanbul anyway?
Me: . . . Why did you text me?
G: LOL I don't even remember.
Me: Btw, Turkey.
G: Choking. What the hell are we talking about?
Me: Choking?
G: Jesus Christo. *Chicken.
Me: You're choking chicken? Gross.
G: lol I hate you.

(Btw, "Istanbul" was apparently supposed to be "it". . . We don't know how that happened either.)