Sunday, January 22, 2012

Quick Hits

~ My brother is in town for a job interview and planned to crash on my couch. I nixed that idea when I found out it was his bright idea to move thousands of miles away from his wife and kids, and not the Mrs. idea as he had led me to believe. He stayed with a friend until last night when we talked out some stuff. He says he still intends to move across the country (though not here) for his new job. Fantastic.

~ The mother of my child has a new boy toy and, here's the shocker, I actually like him. He's spent small amounts of time with our daughter the past few months or so and he went with us last week when she had to go to the ER for (yet another) spontaneous fever episode. So far he seems like a solid dude and certainly better than the last jackass she dated. She seems happy and things between us are better than they've ever been and that's awesome.

~ My teenager is on the hunt for an apartment of her own (well, her and a few roomies) and is looking to be out of my place by March. I've known about this for months but it's just now sinking in that she's not going to be down the hallway anymore. I'm very proud of her but I know I will miss her like crazy. My mom's solution to my new spare room? "You should have another baby!". *sigh* Can't win 'em all, I guess.

~ I had the weirdest end of the world dream last week. My mom, two friends and myself were in the attic of some school building and all I could think was, "Why aren't we in a basement?!". I think it was tornadoes or something outside that were bringing about the destruction. Then the chaos subsided for a minutes and everybody moved down to the lunchroom of the school and started handing out supplies and food. But another round of tornadoes began to kick up and that's when I woke up. And the only thing on my mind after I woke up was, "Why didn't we go to the basement?". So yeah, no idea what that's about.

~ Something I've been meaning to update on is this health biz. I'm off the weekly drug infusions and have a good chance of remission. That's the good news. Great news, actually. The not so great news is that the process of scaling back the steroids may literally drive me crazy. My memory has gotten worse for whatever reason the past few weeks and whenever the steroids are scaled back by too much (10mg), my counts either stop dead in their tracks or go the opposite of the way they're supposed to. So now they're just being scaled back by 5mg every two weeks and I still have to do weekly blood tests to check counts. But hey, could always be worse, right?