Friday, May 31, 2013

They Said It Wouldn't Last, We Had To Prove Them Wrong

My aunt and uncle are renewing their vows this weekend in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary. As you know, I don't have a lot of role models when it comes to good, solid relationships so I have to take what I can get. And these two still trucking after 32 years together is pretty damn good. As kids, we lived with our grandma, mom and this uncle and he was the best, most fun dude my sister and I had ever encountered (but then, we were only like a year old). When our uncle brought his new girlfriend around, we got all kindsa possessive and didn't like one bit that she was taking his time away from us. A year later when they started wedding planning, we still had not warmed to her. In an attempt to try and make things better, my mom took the two of us (the brother was a baby and loved everyone so he didn't need to be bought) and her out on an excursion to the mall. We got back to the car and our future aunt strapped us into our car seats, left the keys on the dashboard and accidentally locked the doors. She and mom finished putting the bags in the trunk and then realized what had happened. For the next half hour they both tried to get us to climb out of our car seats and unlock the doors. Apparently we'd both figured out how to get out of those seats and had done it on a few occasions but on this particular one we were unmoved to do so again. My mom believes the reason was because we were, and I'm quoting her here, "pure evil" and attempting to drive away this woman we felt was taking our uncle away. They ended up having to go back into the mall to get a security guard and a hanger. By the time they returned, we'd unlocked all the doors and strapped ourselves back into our seats, causing the security guard to think both women were crazy. Maybe she's right, maybe we were pure evil. Eventually, we realized that our aunt wasn't going anywhere and we softened our stance and accepted her. In hindsight, it's a good thing the uncle found her when he did because I don't think anyone else would've put up with him this long.
All of that brings me to this week's song o' the...uh...week. I have been a Janet Jackson fan from the moment I saw the cover of her "Dream Street" album. I became a fan of the music during the "Control" era, and I've heard every album since in its entirety (although I haven't really cared for the most recent ones). But no album in the history of albumkind (it's a word) has ever surpassed the perfection of "Rhythm Nation 1814". It's always been the one album I can listen to beginning to end without skipping a song, and that's an accomplishment for me considering I skip through songs so erratically that I had to buy most of the CD's I owned twice because the first copy was scratched and would no longer play (methinks I was the reason Steve Jobs invented the iPod. I still skip songs like there's no tomorrow but now it doesn't ruin my music). I still listen to this album, interludes and all, without skipping anything. It's definitely one of my favorites. This song is also one of my favorites. I've always loved it but as a kid I had to skip the parts where you could hear the heavy breathing because it freaked me out (don't ask me why. Apparently I graduated from evil toddler to weird child). Nowadays I can listen to in all of its glory. I love the lyrics, I love the music, I love that Prince did not actually ever make it onto the track (it was supposed to be a duet). I also love the album version a lot more than the single edits, so that's what we'll go with here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


G: Teenage mutant ninja turtles
R: TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles
Y: Heroes in a half shell
A: Turtle power!
G: Second verse, same as the first!
G: Go go power rangerssssssss
R: lol Go go power rangerssss
Y: Go go power rangersss
A: Might orphan power rangers!
Me: LOL Well that explains a lot if they were orphans
G: Weren't the turtles orphans?
A: Yes. Splinter pulled them out of the ooze that made them ninjas
R: I wonder why they were abandoned
Y: Bc no one wants something covered in ooze
G: lol Uh didn't your baby come that way?
Y: lol Yeah but I didn't touch her til she went through the econo-wash
A: LOL These are the times I realize it's a good thing we haven't all procreated yet.
R: The world ain't ready yo!

And this is why these people are my soulmates.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Labor Of Love

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, then you know I am a proud history nerd. My Netflix queue consists of "Lost" (even though I own the entire series on DVD) and a million history themed specials. My bookcase is full of huge history books, all of which I've read cover to cover. However I'm only interested in certain eras of history. In elementary school, we had to perform the process of mummification on a chicken wing as part of our studies on Ancient Egypt and I loved it. In high school I had to take an American History class and was bored to tears. But there is one historical subject I can never get enough of. Titanic. When it comes to that subject, I've read and seen just about everything (not including the new books released this year, but I'll get to those). I've even read the transcripts of  the investigations into the sinking. That's how obsessed and/or pathetic I am.
When I was a kid, I had a plastic model kit of the Titanic and I rushed through it in a few weeks. It came out decent but not great. Still, I was upset when it was destroyed during a move. The remnants of it are in my mom's garage somewhere. I reverted to my childhood self last Christmas when I got a new Titanic model as a gift. The model itself was about $40 and I've spent another $40 (at least) on materials to complete it. I've built a few model cars in my time and they were pretty easy because they're made out of metal and the ones I did never had a lot of smaller parts. But a model ship is a whole other animal. We're talking millions of tiny parts, all of them plastic. And the instructions were terrible, and also written in Chinese. My excitement about that there model took a dive once I saw how poorly the instructions were written and I didn't start construction of the thing for about a month. But slowly I started to work on it, mostly late at night when I couldn't sleep (because the perfect time to work on something that requires extreme attention to detail is when you're half-awake). Being that I am a perfectionist, building this thing was a much more laborious process than I had anticipated. I whipped out books with pictures and drawings of the ship. I Googled for better views of certain areas. I even referred to certain parts of the movie on one occasion. I wanted it to be as true to the real thing as possible. The diagram that came with the model was very poorly done. The colors didn't match the actual ship so I had to find my own paint colors that did match. I don't even want to know how many hours it took. But it came out pretty great. It didn't occur to me to document the process until a friend asked to see my progress so I don't have any pictures of the million, unassembled pieces. It may be further proof of my obsession that my first thought after finishing this was that I want to do another one and apply what I learned from building this one. I think I have a problem...and "Intervention" just went off the air. So I guess the answer is to give in to the sickness!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Love Will Be Right Here

A day late with the song o' the week this time around, but given my hellish week it's a miracle I even managed to find one. But nothing can comfort you like music, they say. Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" is one of my favorite songs. SWV's "Right Here"...not so much. The SWV/MJ hybrid that is "Right Here (Human Nature Mix) - instant classic. I am a fan of sisters, I am a fan of voices so I was bound to love a group as talented as SWV. This song is an example of a remix being so much better than an original. Sometimes you love the album version of a song but by the time it gets to radio, it's been remixed and screwed up beyond comprehension. I don't think I even heard the album version of this song until a few years ago and I was not a fan. But that could also be because I fell in love with the remix eons ago. For some reason, this one puts me in a good mood. And I could certainly use the uplifting these days.

Btw, this video is hilarious. There's a token white boy (although it's 'bout time those roles were reversed), they're inexplicably wearing equestrian gear and at one point someone is holding a riding crop while standing behind the dude playing the drums. Oh 90's, how I love thee.)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Easy To Be Hard

I was all ready to finish a blog I started a week ago about what an effed up world we live in when something else caught my attention. A white dude in Virginia took a routine trip to Wal-Mart with his three adorable daughters, a 4-year-old and 2-year-old twins. They finished shopping and went home and upon arriving were met by a police officer who told the guy that he'd been sent by Wal-Mart security to make sure that the three children he had with him were his own. Someone at the store saw a white guy with three bi-racial little girls and though he had kidnapped them. They alerted security and security called the police. After the cop posed his question, he asked the man for his I.D. and went so far as to make the older girl point out who her parents were. You would think he'd have put two and two together when he got to the house and saw one black parent, one white parent and three mixed kids. But apparently not. Mom called Wal-Mart demanding to know exactly why they had reported her husband as being a kidnapper and the security department said that a customer had come to them saying that the white dude with the three mixed kids "didn't fit". Mom asked what that meant, trying to get them to say what they really thought, but all the security department would say was that, "They just don't match up". Soooooo much to say here. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
What is it that they say about the Taurus folk? Mess with the bull and you get the horns? Well, nothing brings the horns out of this bull like prejudice. And I think that's rooted in my childhood. My family literally consists of every color under the sun and always has. I grew up amongst a very diverse and unique group of people. Two of my cousins are half-African-American. My surrogate grandmother was with an African-American dude for three decades, back before it was accepted really. Her daughter married an African-American dude and had four gorgeous kids. My maternal grandmother married a white guy in the 50's, something that her Latino parents wanted to string her up for. Interracial relationships are literally in my blood. I think that and the fact that I did grow up in such a diverse mix of cultures is why I've never put much emphasis on race when it comes to dating. I don't care about color, I care about what kind of person they are and what we have in common. And thank god for it because if I did not feel that way, I may not have the privilege of being a father to an amazing daughter who just happens to be mixed.
I think part of the reason why this story ruffled my feathers is because it could just as easily happen to me. My daughter is darker than I am and is obviously mixed. It also could've just as easily happened to my mother, who is a very light-skinned woman with dark children. She used to always get asked whether or not we were hers, and we're talking by complete strangers at the zoo or at a store. People would just walk up, tell her how cute her kids were and then proceed to ask more questions than they were entitled to know the answers to. Fortunately, mi madre is a pit bull when it comes to her kids so she told peeps to mind they own damn business when they asked those questions. As we got older, we got similar questions from kids at school - "Who's that white lady you were with?". In hindsight, we laugh about it but back then it was just annoying. As a kid, you really don't see color and your parents are just your parents and that's all that you've known. Back then, I would've understood a story like this Wal-Mart one happening. Interracial marriages and mixed children were not as common. Hell, my mom used to keep me on a leash (yes, just me, the siblings apparently didn't require one) while walking through stores but no one ever reported her as a kidnapper. Yet this dude, in 2013, and in a state that leads the nation in interracial marriages, has the cops called on him because he and his mixed children "don't fit". If Virginia has that many interracial marriages then one would assume there would be a substantial amount of mixed children, so I wonder why this dude was singled out. Just because he's bright white and his kids aren't? I see mixed kids with people lighter or darker than them all the time while out and about, but I don't assume they've been kidnapped. I could even understand if this Wal-Mart shopper reported him because the kids were screaming or crying or seemed distressed in some way. But they weren't. So much for innocent, everyday trips to the store with the fam, huh?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It's a shame I threw away that dude's card. My fan club is alive and well...

Friend: So what's the guy's card say?
Me: Gurl please. I threw it away with the straw wrapper from my Starbucks
Friend: Have you no vision? That could've done so much for BJ 
Me: Scuse you but that woulda been the J pimping himself out while the B just sits back and cashes my checks
Me: BJ is a group venture
Me: The PB does not work without the J
Friend: Nuh uh! B would've also written fake gushing reviews of J
Me: LOL bc you couldn't write truthful reviews of J
Friend: Yes I could, I'm not above sampling the know, for quality control purposes
Me: Lol right. Quality control
Me: No one wants BJ that isn't quality
Friend: I knew You'd see it my way


Friend: In other news I seem to have a boy problem outta nowhere...!
Me: Oh really? Who is this guy?
Friend: Some guy. Literally. He works at the Starbucks I go to almost every day.
Me: lol Did he ask you to do porn? Cuz some guy at Starbucks asked me to do that yesterday
Friend: Whoa!! Wtf?! Your story is way more interesting - spill it mister!

Friend: Lol thank you! Many women will be spared headaches!
Me: Lol well you know how I like to help the womensz
Friend: Lol yes, yes I do
Friend: Except by making porn with and for them! Lol
Me: I think most of my female friends have been like "why did you turn the porn guy down??"
Me: Y'all be perverts
Friend: LOL or we appreciate the finer things in life
Friend: Finer men included ;)


Friend 1: Someone asked him to do porn at Starbucks
Friend 2: Whaaaaaat? When is that released?!?
Me: Two thousand never. I threw the card he gave me away.
Friend 2: ...But...why would you do that to me?
Me: Because I don't want to be a porn star
Friend: Well don't we have a healthy self-esteem...assuming you'd be a "star"


Friend: I told my mom about the porn proposal
Friend: She said, "Oh really? Well, I don't watch porn but I'd buy support him, you know".
Friend: lol Right? I was both grossed out and fascinated
Me: Tell your mom I said, "Hey girl, thanks"
Friend: LOL Fuck you gigolo!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mama Told Me Not To Come

The scene: In line on a Sunday evening at Starbucks.

Man: "Excuse me...have you ever considered having sex for money?"
Me: ""
Man: "I think you could make quite a hit of money if you did. Here's my card. Give me a call if you're interested."
Me: *Confusedly takes a sip of coffee*

Me: I just got asked if I would have sex for money
Mom: What'd you say?
Me: I said no, mom.
Mom: Did they say for how much?
Me: ...Are you trying to pimp me out right now?
Mom: ...Maybe

Believe it or not, this is the second time I've been propositioned about doing porn. It's like college all over again.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Blue Jean Baby, L.A. Lady, Seamstress For The Band

I love Sir Elton. He's one of my earliest musical memories (the other being George Michael, my mom has good taste yo). There's a very popular theme park in my hometown that is now insanely huge but when I was a kid it was located on a little stretch of land not far from our house. Like any theme park, it had rides and a rollercoaster and shows. One of those shows was 70's themed and played "Crocodile Rock", which I already knew since my mom is an Elton John fan. But that show kind of made it come alive for me. I don't think this dude has many songs that aren't great. It's hard for me to even choose my favorite. For years I was obsessed with "Rocket Man", then "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues" and of course, "Your Song". "Tiny Dancer" was sort of eh for me. Until "Almost Famous". That movie was and still is fantastic, and one of my favorites. It captured that entire era and culture so perfectly. Not to mention, Kate Hudson. Hot damn was she gorgeous and awesome in that movie. The only blonde I've ever had a crush on. This song took on new meaning for me years later when I dated someone who fit the description of the first two lines of the song to a T. But regardless of what you think of when you hear it, it's just an awesome song.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Morning Glory

Me: I be up already, mon
Her: Me too
Her: Are you in NY?
Me: Yeah, why?
Her: You're up at THREE? Good lord
Me: ...Um...New York is three hours ahead of you. It's 9 here.
Her: LOL Maf is not my strength at 6AM
Me: That was so great, it's already on FB and the blog
Her: lol You're welcome

Monday, May 13, 2013

WHOAAAAAAA, Livin' For Some Free Gas!

Sweet Jesus, was I ever in need of a laugh this morning. And I was fortunate enough to catch this video on the news. This is something I would do for kicks, nevermind free gas. This is my favorite couple in the history of life for two reasons: One - they have good song selection, and two - that man rocks those background vocals with a passion I have rarely seen at a gas pump.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

For The Life Of Me, I Cannot Believe We'd Ever Die For These Sins, We Were Merely Freshmen

It's been a hellish five or so days for my friends and I. Fortunately, things seem to be on a tiny upswing. I hesitate to get my hopes up, but I'm learning to take a breath during the moments when things are calm. E is doing well, thankfully. They initially thought he was bleeding internally but that turned out not to be the case. Obviously, he's still not great but he is well enough to be moved back home. His family is looking into getting him a nurse so he can spend his time at home, instead of in hospitals. I hope that works out.
I got to spend some time with E, just the two of us, for the first time in awhile. And we had plenty to catch up on. It was probably the most peaceful hour I've had in the last month. We talked about everything we always have; sports, funny stuff, family. And then we got into a subject we rarely talk about - our past girlfriends. E and I have a lot in common, right down to having lost our first loves unexpectedly, and at around the same age, although we handled our losses quite differently. I was 21 and refused help for my issues, choosing instead to throw myself into self-destructive extracurricular activities. E was 19 when his girlfriend was accidentally shot. Actually, they were already engaged and planning their wedding when it happened.
He was devastated and fell into a depression for about a year after. He didn't date anyone for about five years and has rarely wandered into an actual relationship since. We talked at length about all of this around the time we first became friends but have rarely touched on it since. It only came up now because he's been thinking a lot lately about what happened. I told him about the party from hell last month where I found out my departed girlfriend may or may not have cheated on me. He thought about it for a minute and then told me that he and his departed had issues with cheating and were headed towards postponing their wedding at the time of her death. But that he had no intention of breaking it off because he felt like they were just kids and it was an innocent mistake. And I can understand that. Honestly, I might have done the same thing in his position. And it's got me thinking about some stuff.
I don't know, and will never know for sure, whether or not any cheating took place before my first love passed away. That's a blessing and a curse, but it is what it is. I can't change it. I can't come to a definitive conclusion without all the facts and there is no way I will ever know all the facts. So what can I do? Not a thing. It's one of those mysteries of life. Maybe it'll be resolved when we meet in our next life. Maybe not. Either way, I have to accept it. And I think I have already. Deep down, I do not believe she ever cheated. Call that wishful thinking if you'd like. But knowing her and knowing what she believed in, I highly doubt she would have kept someone else on the side. The entire time we were split up, all either of us wanted was each other. The reason we stayed apart so long was because we weren't mature enough to handle and appreciate what we had. We didn't work things out like we should've, we just fought and then broke-up. I don't believe she would have found someone else once we finally both got what we wanted. I heard someone say something the other day that I could relate to all too well. That after you lose somebody suddenly, everything changes but you have to keep living life. It's not the life you intended or wanted but you have to go on.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

On The Catwalk...Uh...Perp Walk...Yeah, That's It

G: How was the ride home?
Me: Meh. Got pulled over for no reason
Y: It was because we were Mexican!
A: LOL're not
R: lol She thinks she is though. RACIAL PROFILING!
G: LMAO I just got a mental image of Y looking in the mirror and seeing a proud Latin woman
R: lol Then walking out the front door and being able to get cabs and walk through stores unfollowed
Y: LOL So true...
Me: lol Maybe he pulled us over because he likes crazy in his women
Y: Excuse you, there were TWO cops and one was a woman
A: it makes sense...a fourgy
Me: Bow chicka bow bow!
G: "Look at that impossibly sexy beast in that car..."
R: "He looks suspicious as hell!"
A: "FRISK HIM up and down...then up again...then fondle him some more...yeah..."
Me: LOL No. NO.
Y: LMAO It's funny cuz it's probably true. She kept staring at him
Me: Did not!
R: Of course she did
G: #FuckYourGeneticsGiuseppe
Me: lol Hey! I was a victim, A VICTIM!, of racial profiling and ya'll don't care
A: lol Being pulled over for being too sexy for your shirt is NOT racial profiling
G: So
G: Sexy
G: It
G: Hurrrrrrrrrts
Me: Fuck all ya'll


This conversation probably was not helped by the fact that I recently acquired a stuffed rhino that sings, you guessed it, "I'm Too Sexy". (He dances too. It's fantastic.)

Friday, May 10, 2013

I Forgot To Say Out Loud How Beautiful You Really Are To Me

I love Pink. Not the color (god no), but the artist. She just doesn't give a fuck and I like that in a woman. I liked her first couple of singles but never bought the album. In fact, I think the first full album I bought of hers was, "Funhouse". Very rarely am I able to listen to an album from beginning to end without skipping and that was one of them. She's also fantastic live. I hate when you fall in love with an album only to see the artist live and have them be not very good. But Pink doesn't disappoint. Her albums are consistently great and she backs it up live. Tis why it was difficult to choose only one song of hers to post. But this is one of my favorites. Enjoy the weekend, kids!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sack Lunch

Me: Dude, 12 players were ejected from the Montreal-Ottawa game
Her: For the remainder of the game? Or penalty box?
Me: It was 9 actually. There was a fight in the 3rd where all ten players on the ice threw lunches at each other
Me: LOL Because they were that angry about what their mommies packed for lunch
Her: I didn't even catch that LOL. Damn margaritas
Me: Lol I drank too. Let's blame all this on the liquor

Monday, May 6, 2013

When It Rains, It Monsoons

I am so fucking defeated right now. Last week was trying. This week is just suffocating. There's the best friend's medical issues, my own medical issues, E's failing health and now there's even more. Remember all that experimental treatment I had to try and lick this anemia bullshit? Yeah, well it was mighty expensive. And I knew that at the time, and I knew that none of it was covered by insurance (which I no longer have anyway). But I made it clear that I would be unable to pay it in the foreseeable future, especially if it didn't work and my health remained a concern (which it has). All was supposed to be well, aside from me being in the deepest debt of my life. Evidently not. The hospital sent the bill to collections, who proceeded to sue me (but I never got notice of that) and win the right to essentially garnish my wages until these thousands of dollars are paid off. Beginning...*looks at watch* And I am totally fucked. Because of my health and the situation with E, I've been unable to work as much as usual so I'm barely making it as it is. If they take out any money I won't be able to afford bills or basic living expenses, and anymore tests or treatment for my anemia (aside from my drugs, which are relatively cheap and necessary) are out of the question. Hell, anything more than basic shit is out of the question. And that sucks. This week sucks and this year, so far, has seriously sucked. Why can't I be allowed to deal with one thing before another flares up? Or deal with a bunch of minor things, instead of a bunch of major ones? Any of that, I could handle. This, I cannot handle. This many bad days, weeks, in a row is killing me. I don't even see the point in getting out of bed in the morning lately. It just brings bad news of one kind or another. It's a struggle to make it through the day. I don't know what to do. I have no choice but to deal, obviously. But I'd like nothing more than to go to sleep and not wake up until everything is better. If only I could.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Wish I Wasn't Living This Life

Words fail me right now. That whole thing about never being given more than you can handle is a crock. I woke up to my best friend's daughter (who turned 3 yesterday) telling me there was blood in the kitchen. I literally jumped out of bed, walked into the living room and saw a small pool of blood on the kitchen floor and several spots of blood on the carpet. There were also a few more tiny pools of blood on the carpet and some blood on a blanket on the floor. I went into the BF's room and found her dipping in and out of consciousness, the pillow and she sheets bloodied near her head. We went to the hospital and she started to wake up and said she wasn't sure what had happened. A CT scan, a physical exam and six hours later, the doctor said it appeared to be a combination of things, none of them serious. He thinks she had a really bad nosebleed that started while she was asleep on the couch, got up too quickly once she realized she was bleeding and then staggered around in the dark before ending up back in bed. The consciousness thing is probably two-fold; she was up way late last night and she lost a substantial amount of blood very quickly this morning. We were about to be discharged when she had another bleeding fit and it was scary as fuck. She most went into a seizure type thing and then started bleeding. It was awful. The good news is she's out of the hospital and feeling better. Thank god for that. While I was sitting in the hospital waiting (in my PJ's, no less), I got a text from E's mother. It wasn't good news. She said that the decision has been made for doctors to stop administering treatment and shift their efforts to making E comfortable. And you know what that means. He's had bleeding issues of his own the past few days and if he has another "attack", so to speak, they will likely not do anything to stop it. The worst part is that we're all so scattered right now; the BF, another friend and I are all on the East Coast, another friend is in California, G is in Texas and E is Florida, where he went for treatment about a month ago and has not been able to leave because he hasn't been well enough to travel. G is already on his way there, the rest of us are talking and figuring out what to do. The instinct is to fly out immediately, obviously. Fuck the money, fuck jobs, fuck everything and just go. And part of me really wants to do that. I know I should. But the other part doesn't want to go, doesn't want to say his goodbyes because then it's all "real", so to speak. I wondered out loud today if I was a terrible person for not wanting to go and got an interesting answer. A friend said to me that I should consider that HE wants and needs to say his goodbyes. And that's very true. And that's what I'm going to base things on. If he wants and needs all of us there, then that's what we'll do. I try not to think about it too much because it seriously bums me out. On top of all this are my own health issues and the business stuff and, oh yeah, I'm also moving back to my own place soon. It's A LOT. Maybe too much. I don't how to handle it all. But I'll have to figure it out. It's amazing the things you do to take your mind off bad stuff though. Today when I was nervous about the BF, I rambled about various stuff. Later, despite being exhausted, I decided to take apart a shower head to get to the root cause of a leak. At midnight. I like to fix stuff and it pisses me off when I can't. I think part of me thought if I could diagnose the problem, it would provide some much needed good news. God, I hope tomorrow and the rest if the foreseeable future bring good news, or at least no major health issues for anyone I love. I can't handle anymore bad news anytime soon.

Le Bleg

Me: I started watching those old Nickelodeon shows again and suddenly got the humor
Friend: Which ones?
Friend: "Salute Your Shorts"?
Friend: "Hey Dude"?
Friend: "You Can't Do That On Television"?
Me: "All That" had some risque skits on occasion
Friend: Oh I went too far back
Me: lol I was gonna say, if you'd just shut up I'll tell you which ones
Friend: LOL
Friend: You shut your whore mouth when you're talkin' to me!

Me: lol Exactly
Friend: Don't sass me, it's too early in the morning


(On Keanu Reeves, her alternate reality babydaddy)

Friend: This might be a stretch, but I think I could make him happy.
Me: Once the restraining order was lifted, I bet you could
Friend: Oh I definitely could...just hide the sharp objects and shit, but definitely
Me: LOL "I bet I could make him soooo long as there are no knives in the house"
Friend: lol Thought you'd like that one


Me: That will go on le bleg
Me: Blog
Friend: lol Oh please call it 'le bleg'
Me: lol Niet
Me: I'll name the post 'le blog'
Me: Le bleg

Friend: LOL I LOOOVE that you fucked up the initial fuck up
Me: LOL dammit

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thought You'd Change The Weather, Start A Little Storm, Bring A LittleRain

When I was a youngin, the neighbors (who also happen to be family members we are now estranged from) would take us to and bring us home from school everyday. We'd all pile into the big purple van and depart for the less than one mile drive. And we'd have to listen to Country music both ways. Nearly all of us kids favored R&B back then so we complained about the Country. Years later, some kids would end up becoming Country fanatics, but I never went that route. In fact, I avoided country music for a long, long time. But I rediscovered it in college. Nowadays I tend to favor edgier Country or "New Country", as some call it, although I have a healthy respect for the old guard too. The one thing I've always thought is fantastic about the genre is the ability to tell entire stories in the span of four minutes. Other genres sometimes venture into that territory but Country does it effortlessly. My grandma adored Kenny Rogers, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton and lemme tell ya, no none could rock a red 'fro and tell a story like Mrs. McEntire back in the day. I still listen to her on occasion but spend most of my treks through the Country listening to new stuff. I love harmonies and fear lyrics and this song has both. It's also got a bit of an edge for its genre, as a good amount of this group's stuff does. The album this one came off of is pretty great too.