Monday, May 6, 2013

When It Rains, It Monsoons

I am so fucking defeated right now. Last week was trying. This week is just suffocating. There's the best friend's medical issues, my own medical issues, E's failing health and now there's even more. Remember all that experimental treatment I had to try and lick this anemia bullshit? Yeah, well it was mighty expensive. And I knew that at the time, and I knew that none of it was covered by insurance (which I no longer have anyway). But I made it clear that I would be unable to pay it in the foreseeable future, especially if it didn't work and my health remained a concern (which it has). All was supposed to be well, aside from me being in the deepest debt of my life. Evidently not. The hospital sent the bill to collections, who proceeded to sue me (but I never got notice of that) and win the right to essentially garnish my wages until these thousands of dollars are paid off. Beginning...*looks at watch* And I am totally fucked. Because of my health and the situation with E, I've been unable to work as much as usual so I'm barely making it as it is. If they take out any money I won't be able to afford bills or basic living expenses, and anymore tests or treatment for my anemia (aside from my drugs, which are relatively cheap and necessary) are out of the question. Hell, anything more than basic shit is out of the question. And that sucks. This week sucks and this year, so far, has seriously sucked. Why can't I be allowed to deal with one thing before another flares up? Or deal with a bunch of minor things, instead of a bunch of major ones? Any of that, I could handle. This, I cannot handle. This many bad days, weeks, in a row is killing me. I don't even see the point in getting out of bed in the morning lately. It just brings bad news of one kind or another. It's a struggle to make it through the day. I don't know what to do. I have no choice but to deal, obviously. But I'd like nothing more than to go to sleep and not wake up until everything is better. If only I could.