Saturday, May 25, 2013

Love Will Be Right Here

A day late with the song o' the week this time around, but given my hellish week it's a miracle I even managed to find one. But nothing can comfort you like music, they say. Michael Jackson's "Human Nature" is one of my favorite songs. SWV's "Right Here"...not so much. The SWV/MJ hybrid that is "Right Here (Human Nature Mix) - instant classic. I am a fan of sisters, I am a fan of voices so I was bound to love a group as talented as SWV. This song is an example of a remix being so much better than an original. Sometimes you love the album version of a song but by the time it gets to radio, it's been remixed and screwed up beyond comprehension. I don't think I even heard the album version of this song until a few years ago and I was not a fan. But that could also be because I fell in love with the remix eons ago. For some reason, this one puts me in a good mood. And I could certainly use the uplifting these days.

Btw, this video is hilarious. There's a token white boy (although it's 'bout time those roles were reversed), they're inexplicably wearing equestrian gear and at one point someone is holding a riding crop while standing behind the dude playing the drums. Oh 90's, how I love thee.)