Saturday, May 11, 2013

On The Catwalk...Uh...Perp Walk...Yeah, That's It

G: How was the ride home?
Me: Meh. Got pulled over for no reason
Y: It was because we were Mexican!
A: LOL're not
R: lol She thinks she is though. RACIAL PROFILING!
G: LMAO I just got a mental image of Y looking in the mirror and seeing a proud Latin woman
R: lol Then walking out the front door and being able to get cabs and walk through stores unfollowed
Y: LOL So true...
Me: lol Maybe he pulled us over because he likes crazy in his women
Y: Excuse you, there were TWO cops and one was a woman
A: it makes sense...a fourgy
Me: Bow chicka bow bow!
G: "Look at that impossibly sexy beast in that car..."
R: "He looks suspicious as hell!"
A: "FRISK HIM up and down...then up again...then fondle him some more...yeah..."
Me: LOL No. NO.
Y: LMAO It's funny cuz it's probably true. She kept staring at him
Me: Did not!
R: Of course she did
G: #FuckYourGeneticsGiuseppe
Me: lol Hey! I was a victim, A VICTIM!, of racial profiling and ya'll don't care
A: lol Being pulled over for being too sexy for your shirt is NOT racial profiling
G: So
G: Sexy
G: It
G: Hurrrrrrrrrts
Me: Fuck all ya'll


This conversation probably was not helped by the fact that I recently acquired a stuffed rhino that sings, you guessed it, "I'm Too Sexy". (He dances too. It's fantastic.)