Saturday, May 4, 2013

Le Bleg

Me: I started watching those old Nickelodeon shows again and suddenly got the humor
Friend: Which ones?
Friend: "Salute Your Shorts"?
Friend: "Hey Dude"?
Friend: "You Can't Do That On Television"?
Me: "All That" had some risque skits on occasion
Friend: Oh I went too far back
Me: lol I was gonna say, if you'd just shut up I'll tell you which ones
Friend: LOL
Friend: You shut your whore mouth when you're talkin' to me!

Me: lol Exactly
Friend: Don't sass me, it's too early in the morning


(On Keanu Reeves, her alternate reality babydaddy)

Friend: This might be a stretch, but I think I could make him happy.
Me: Once the restraining order was lifted, I bet you could
Friend: Oh I definitely could...just hide the sharp objects and shit, but definitely
Me: LOL "I bet I could make him soooo long as there are no knives in the house"
Friend: lol Thought you'd like that one


Me: That will go on le bleg
Me: Blog
Friend: lol Oh please call it 'le bleg'
Me: lol Niet
Me: I'll name the post 'le blog'
Me: Le bleg

Friend: LOL I LOOOVE that you fucked up the initial fuck up
Me: LOL dammit