Friday, May 3, 2013

Thought You'd Change The Weather, Start A Little Storm, Bring A LittleRain

When I was a youngin, the neighbors (who also happen to be family members we are now estranged from) would take us to and bring us home from school everyday. We'd all pile into the big purple van and depart for the less than one mile drive. And we'd have to listen to Country music both ways. Nearly all of us kids favored R&B back then so we complained about the Country. Years later, some kids would end up becoming Country fanatics, but I never went that route. In fact, I avoided country music for a long, long time. But I rediscovered it in college. Nowadays I tend to favor edgier Country or "New Country", as some call it, although I have a healthy respect for the old guard too. The one thing I've always thought is fantastic about the genre is the ability to tell entire stories in the span of four minutes. Other genres sometimes venture into that territory but Country does it effortlessly. My grandma adored Kenny Rogers, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton and lemme tell ya, no none could rock a red 'fro and tell a story like Mrs. McEntire back in the day. I still listen to her on occasion but spend most of my treks through the Country listening to new stuff. I love harmonies and fear lyrics and this song has both. It's also got a bit of an edge for its genre, as a good amount of this group's stuff does. The album this one came off of is pretty great too.