Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ears Be Ringin' Like A Sombitch

This was the conversation we had about Weiner (yeah, I said it).

Me: You can't trust the judgement of someone who does something wrong for the world to see, gets busted, loses his career and almost his family, then turns right around and does it AGAIN and doesn't even give a damn that he got caught.
A: Yep. He has no impulse control
R: No politician does dude lol
G: I don't trust any politicians yo
Me: Here's the question - would you vote for him if you agreed with his policies?
A: Hellllllll NO!
E: Nah. A year after he's elected, he'd been Tweeting his Carlos to some new chick and we'll do this all over again
G: LOL His Carlos
G: Nah, I wouldn't. If you cheat on your wife, you will cheat on 'murricah!
Me: LOL 'murricah'
Y: LOL Oh, whatever. Some people are great with business decisions and terrible with making decisions in their personal lives.
*I suddenly feel everyone's eyes upon me*
Me: ...
Me: True dat lol
G: LMAO I felt the Earth stop for a moment while we all wondered to ourselves if the boy got it