Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hold Onto Your Butts

My friends, I have had a religious experience. And it's name is "Sharknado". Yes, Sharknado. What is that? It is a tornado that rains down sharks upon the City of Angels. Ian Ziering (of 90210 fame) plays a former pro surfer turned bar owner and failed husband and father who puts heself in charge of saving humanity from the sharkpocalypse. And One of those 'so bad it's good' kinda movies. Completely unrealistic, not at all plausible but somehow the bad and good level off and what you're left with is a Sci-Fi classic (but consider that Sci-Fi will greenlight ANYTHING). I'm late to the Sharknado party, it premiered a few weeks ago and then went viral via Twitter. Today was a Shark movie marathon which included such illustrious films as, "Sharktopus" (awesomely bad), "Supershark" (even worse and borderline porn), and "Two-Headed Shark Attack" (I only watched part of this one but it also could have been borderline porn). I mean, really, how do you go wrong with a day of shark-themed, totally unrealistic programming? You don't. And Sharknado was the cherry on top of the cake. The next time there is a tornado, no matter where I am in the world, I will be on the lookout for sharks. This was not only a religious experience, but a teaching moment. Not surprisingly, Sharknado II is in the works and Sci-Fi is soliciting titles and plot lines for the sequel, which will be set in New York (woo hoo!). The network scrolled some of the best title ideas along the bottom of the screen and they were fantastic. "Panic on the Atlantic", "Revenge of Sharka Khan", suggestions to change it up and do, "Slothcano", "Bearquake" or "Squidnami". Someone suggested that in the sequel the Founding Fathers should have to stop the Sharknado. But my absolute favorite was when someone begged the network to get Samuel L. Jackson to star in the sequel, no matter what the plot turns out to be. Yes. I need this in my life. Sam Jackson is in every cheesy disaster movie there is, he needs to be in this one. SAMUEL L. JACKSON FOR SHARKNADO II!